How should OP Vanish be implemented?

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  • Which implementation is the best to you? 31

    1. None (7) 23%
    2. Partial (19) 61%
    3. Full (5) 16%

    In my fork, I have successfully overhauled /vanish to make it possible for operators to use the command. However, I need more information about how it should be implemented for operators. There are 3 ways this can go down from my perspective:

    • None
      OP Vanish would not be implemented. While the many changes I did would still be present, /vanish would remain admins-only.

    • Partial
      Players who aren't admin would disappear from the tab list for non-admins and wouldn't be visible, however players will still be able to verify that they are on the server using commands like /list, /whohas, and more. Fake leave and join messages are not included for non-admins. This would allow some degree of privacy, however it would allow for anyone who is griefing and/or being an overall dickhead to be identified.

    • Full
      Players would disappear completely from non-admins' sights. It wouldn't be possible to verify whether or not someone is on the server. While this option provides the most privacy, it makes reporting vanished griefers extremely difficult if not impossible. It also means that the player count would appear to be lower than it actually is, which may be harmful to player retention.

    Choose wisely.


  • As I've already said elsewhere, for me OP vanish:

    • is pointless
    • gives trolls a field day
    • misleads players into believing the server's more empty than it actually is

    TotalFreedom's Executive Community & Marketing Manager

  • As long as it doesn't impact the player counts and any op can see who is online I don't really think it matters the finer detail either way.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • I Object to OP's using vanish. /vanish is intended to be an admin's utility that allows admins to appear 'offline' for discrete administration. OP's already have access to invisibility potions so why should they be given access to a command that can let them appear offline and is intended to be an administration tool. This also would make the server seem more empty since they wouldn't be in tab.


  • I don't have a clear stance on this yet.
    I'm a bit confused, why is op vanish even needed?
    Like Alco said, there's access to invisibility potions, and if you don't want people teleporting to you there's tptoggle.

  • Fwiw the partial vanish described here is already possible. Disguising as an invisible entity (albeit currently disabled while the plugin is patched) does exactly what it says on the tin - hiding the player from sight and from the tab but keeping them accessible everywhere else.

    Since this has already been a thing that players often do, I don't have any issues with what's described in the partial setting. I believe it's a nice balance of a player seeming offline but being accessible if they need to be accessed. And bringing it into the /vanish command will make it more accessible to all players, rather than just the select few who know the long command for disguising as an invisible entity.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  • Anybody that’s objected to this feature because of trolling is being obtuse. Ever since operators have been able to use /tptoggle there’s been no concern over a player having their privacy violated on the server, and it’s not like this command obstructs the packets sent by a player (they’re still online) so block logging plugins would work fine.

    In my opinion there are plenty of people who are against this because it gives players a feature that was previously available only to admins.

    Adding this to the server brings this place more in line with the “freedom” branding, removes another feature exclusive to admins for no particular reason and gives it to all the players. There’s no reason not to do it.

  •   resident_user Have I ever seen you in game? What's uour username?

    Also your view of staff is so 2018, I can assure you toxic members didn't make it through Ryan's dictatorship management.

    @'r00t' Disabled until the devs release a custom plugin for 1.17.1 too.

    TotalFreedom's Executive Community & Marketing Manager

  •   ThePyroManActualAccount yeah, we're aware of the several ways of finding out whether or not a vanished player is online.

    The thing is, the full vanish would mean that op vanish and admin vanish would be identical (aside from admins being able to see vanished ops), so when that's patched for admins, it will do the same for op vanish and they would be undetectable by other ops (unless they break blocks or chat)

    A partial vanish would solve this issue as it keeps the op vanish separate from the admin version.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.