Wipe the worlds and CoreProtect db with a 7-14 day notice

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  • @Ivan#7541 The real problem is that the builds are integrated into the terrain and if I were to make schems, I would take some of the terrain aswell. I would also have to find another fitting area and even then it would take a huge while to properly terraform the surrounding area. Another thing, schems tend to mess up NBT data sometimes.

  • when i originally made the suggestion to "stop wiping worlds", my idea was that having a persistant world would say more about the servers legacy then an admin only world and a busted ass proboards forum (sorry videogamesm12) that no one has access to at the minute. following in lieu of servers like 2B2T that have a persistant world which displays the community effort of building over the years within all groups of players, eventually it grows more sendimental purpose and if people that were not too familiar with the flatland wipes or schematics and finding their build along with others is gone (because i've been there back in 2016 when i knew jackshit and the only thing i remember was BanterousSor and being on Savniths teamviewer) then i feel they would just dip on the server entirely and if we do keep their builds around then those unnamed players that disappear would more likely come back and could even use that as a selling point in our advertising.

    i get im viewing this in terms of engagement instead of pure server stability of which most people that vouch would see this from which dont get me wrong, its an ok plan but i feel like this should be at the bottom of things, like a very last resort type scenario. because for some reason i have a gut feeling theres better ways around this still. Object

    assrix, assryx, asterisk, *

    awesomeist tf blokey

  • At least you're giving a warning.

    I understand that this might be a ""necessity", but this is absolutely part of what drives players away from the server. At least you're giving a warning 14 days prior. Please do notice that the only ones objecting are ops (An example of a disconnect between Admins and Ops?)

  • Vouch at some point its going to become unpractical to maintain the world anyway and it will require a reset. With enough notice and in-game warnings to let people know it will happen I don’t see this being an issue, make the world downloadable at the end thats it.

  • What if we were to keep the world but put it on the server as the archive world, so if you were a past player you can copy your build and bring it back? I'm gonna go with the fact that some people probably don't have builds saved

  • I vouch for pruning the worlds, but I do recommend keeping the seed the same. Makes it easier for reloading schematics with terrain attached. I also do vouch for regular wiping of the coreprotect like every 2 months or so to keep the database from inflating to such excesses in filesize.


  • If this thread ends up getting approved, I would like to ask for help from a dev on how I could save the imperium base. I’m really concerned with this because it is pretty much impossible.

    I think this is overall a really bad idea for the player base, and the loss of builds is going to drive players away from totalfreedom.

  • Vouch, this needs to be done. Frankly, it's been known for a while that if you want to save your builds on TotalFreedom, you need to put them in either the plotworld, the adminworld, or the master-builder world. All the other worlds are subject to not only random people running around and breaking stuff, but also regular wipes. If you built something there and expected it to last, it's on you to move it somewhere else. This is something that every server does for stability reasons, and we obviously need to to it, since CoreProtect clearly isn't working.

  • @Ivan#9666 look, I’ve objected, I hold my objection, if this gets approved whatever happens is out of my hands.

    I would need to figure out a way to save my work, which I have no clue how.

    daily flatland wipes were and I’d say are still acceptable. People don’t mainly build stuff they expect to last long in the flatlands.

    the overworld, end, nether are full of people’s work that they don’t want to lose.

    I have 6 months worth of work in the end and it being all wiped would be a catastrophe for hundreds of people in the imperium, the Enders, and other guilds.

    if you’re going to wipe the worlds you need to find out how to save people’s work first.

    the weeks after the wipes 90% of chat messages will be people complaining about losing stuff and people trying to start riots.

    I think this is a bad idea.

  • Given the size of the dB itself seems to be growing constantly, and the rate of growth is only increasing, I'm going to look at the following as a strategy going forward.

    We will hold a minimum of 90 days of CoreProtect data for Freedom-01, and on a regular basis we will archive out anything that is older than 90 days, and store it in an appropriate repo, though it will not be available for the general public to download. 90 days feels like a long enough period to retain live data for, and in the highly unlikely event we need data which is older than 90 days, we can re-play it back in if required.

    It'll need some time on my part to get that to work properly, as CoreProtect's only option is to just delete it which I don't really like as an option, but this might prevent the need to actually wipe the worlds, and while I still think CoreProtect is a shit design if it can't hold older data in a sane way, I think this should be an okay option without straying too far from my belief that CoreProtect should always hold the full history as a golden source of truth.


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