Plot World - Your Input Required!

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • @'Ryan' Can't the people moderating the plot world just delete plots if players are abusing the ability to claim land? The plots near the spawn are always going to be a commodity, and when you get farther out it seems more obvious when a player is just claiming plots to stop another person from building.


      characterslimits So, are we going to pretend 1.17 doesn't exist?

    Isn't that meant for 1.18? Unless you use a datapack.

  •   Darth Not really, in the current plotworld plot bordering is already very common and admins don't do much about it, even though if you teleported in the middle of nowhere where there is nothing but your plot plus the one plot bordering you. Speaking from multiple experiences, lol

    A fool's fool fools fools who foolishly accept the foolishness of a fool's fool.

  •   characterslimits Actually it's a bit more than that, WorldGuard doesn't play well in a FreeOP Environment, which is why we do have so many issues.

    And 1.17 doesn't increase the build limit, that's been pushed to 1.18. The 1.17 support is a alpha as I recall which may be incompatible with the 1.18 worlds.

      Darth True, they can, but it's a huge amount of manual work. I spent a couple of days (And a few hours each day) trying to clean up out current plot world and it's just a pain. Much easier to stop people creating the mess in the first place which is the goal here.

      You! As I think I answered before, that won't be the case initially because of the custom TFM role management. It will be a separate staff team.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  •   characterslimits The plot world is not a testing ground. We won't be testing things like Airplane on it. The plot server will be deemed a production server, in the same way Freedom-01 and Hub-03 are...


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  •   Folfy_Blue Plot merge should (I think I mentioned this above), Plot download should as well, I need to look at why that currently doesn't work but is certainly one we would want to have working as part of go-live.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • @'Ryan' /plot download could be useful before the removal of plotworld, depending on what you can do with the downloaded data.

    I've seen cool builds made by cracked users and losing them would be a shame.

    TotalFreedom's Executive Community & Marketing Manager

  • Here’s my two cents on why I t hink the plot world should be set to a smaller size <50x50. This is an excerpt from my original thread (here)


    he point of a plot world is to give the player a – small – plot of land to display their builds on. Thus, when you fly over the plotworld, you are met with a great deal of plots within view, so you can easily catch some inspiration from other players. Now, if you fly over the plot world, you can at max see four plots at a time in view – completely ruining one major aspect of the plugin. And again, a plot world is not a good fit for a server named Total Freedom, which entirely depends on being community-driven. 100X100 plots give players the ability to seclude themselves on their little plot of land away from other players – completely removing the “community” aspect of the server. You cannot see anybody building near you. You are alone on your very own plot of land instead of building near spawn in the flatlands or the overworld creating friendsships or screaming “griefer!” and quickly seeing a strike of lightning meet the offender head on. Plot Worlds is a multiplayer plugin for single-player play. Total Freedom is a community.
    Therefore, I have two proposals to consider:
    1) Remove the plot world entirely.
    2) make the plots far smaller (15x15, or max 30x30), thus making it easy to browse a variety of different plots, and hopefully having some players near each other as they build on their own respective plot. Right now, the Plot world is boring as shit to look at. A shitty spawn, shitty plots scattered about.
    I have suggested this before: Make a grand spawn with MB plots located near the spawn in order to inspire and entice the average player to build.

    Plots being smaller fosters a community. Leaving players on their own private 100x100 plot of land does the opposite. Some may say that this limits what players can build, which I think is something to consider, but as I’ve mentioned countless times before:
    If you want to build big, then you have the option of going into flatlands or the overworld and doing it there. You can build your pixel art in the ground or up to the sky limit. And with pixel art in mind: 9/10 bigger pieces of pixel “art” are simply image converters pasted into the game… So much for creativity.
    I see the plot world as an art gallery where people can “submit” their own plots of art that will be permanently stored for everyone to see. You might say that 100x100 plots are the same, but to that I say: fly over the plot world as it is right now. You can at – most – see 4 plots at once. Change the size of the plots to 25x25, 30x30 or even 50x50 and you 4x, 16x… the amount of plots within view. I love building on plot servers, because I can quickly browse through people’s plots for inspiration… I can’t do that on Total Freedom, which is why I rarely use the plot world. Another thing I would like to emphasize is that we CONNECT THE PLOT SERVER’s CHAT WITH TOTAL FREEDOM. (dat dere community-aspect)

    Now, in regards to a wipe of the current plotworld.
    A) put the plotworld save file up for download,
    B) allow for backups / convertions to the new plotworld. If the current plot size is 100x100, then allow the players who wish, to merge 4 (25x25 or similar) plots into one, and paste their plot there. I’d appreciate if this was away from spawn, so we don’t clutter the spawn area with 100x100 plots.
    C) WorldEdit still exists.

    I will admit that a downscaling from 100x100 to 25x25 or similar is of course substantial, but that is the norm on most plot servers for a reason, and if there is a great demand for bigger plots, then we could, in the future, perhaps add a plot world with 50x50 or even 100x100, but those shouldn’t be the priority.
    Give players an infinite amount of plots to claim, and you have basically solved the main issue with plots being “too small”. Make players have a max number of plots their can claim within a day or a week / month in order to avoid hoarding.

    Lastly, to prevent unused claimed plots from cluttering the plotworld I’d suggest the addition of a time limit on unused plots. If I were to claim a plot a timer would start counting down from a day, a week or a month, and if I were to – NOT – modify / build on my newly-claimed plot, then it would be reset and avaliable for a new player to claim.

  • @'Ryan' plot download works perfectly, it’s just not dumping the file to the worldedit folder, it’s in some folder in the plot squared plug-in folders.

    Also, to give my input on this, as someone who has 4 of whatever sized plots we have rn, have merged them, hollowed it out, and has built a shit ton of stuff in it. I really wouldn’t like to have to deal with setting aside like an hour to just claim and merge plots that are only 25x25, esspecially considering that a random player could fly over while I am doing this and claim one of the plots in the middle of my area I am trying to claim, and I would be unable to do anything about it, which would suck. I really think that 128x128 plots are a good size. It’s not too big, but not super small either.

  • Bump so it's not lost.

    I'll be working through this thread today and will update my original post with the current plan based off of feedback here and other discussions I've had with folks.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • i hope their is a way to copy plots from the current world and paste it in the plot world.
    also unblock eggs but ristrict them enough so that people cant crash or lag

  • @'billy7oblos' uhm, why unblock eggs if you can't attach nbt to them? Just use /spawnmob in that case since there's no need to use eggs.

    Unless you've found a bypass...

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  •   erin bypass to what?
    im not saying block all nbt only explosions and long names and stuff. i could probably make a list of all the known crash/lag exploits.
    I want spawn eggs enabled because there are some really cool looking mobs, like the ones in ryanuwu's collection

    i also suggest you add a way to make a plot unloadable except by the owner and people with permission