Auction House - Sell OP items for coins

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  • Basically, the auction house will be used as a way to gain coins from giving out specific items. When you want to buy something from the auction house, you use the command: "/ah", which will open up a menu, containing items for sale. To sell your own items, you must hold the item you want to sell and say: "/ah sell ", and then the item you were holding will be sent to the Auction house.

    Items in the auction house will be removed 24 hours after they were placed in the auction house, and often times (unless someone is really generous), you are going to need to sell a truly powerful weapon in exchange for coins, so the item's statistics (such as enchantments, potion effects, dmg, etc) will be shown, reserving and overriding the item's flags, which come back onto the item once you pay for it. Shulkers and chests with NBT of the items inside will also have a temporary lore line in a bold orange line: "This item has invisible statistics of the items inside, and may not have the kind of items inside that it claims to have".

    This feature would be useful to get coins in another way, and also makes it so you are able to give other people coins with ease (if they agree to pay you for something like a gold nugget). Putting a price tag on your overpowered weapons could benefit both the payer and the payee, the payer because they get a new weapon that is better than the one they may already have, and the payee because they have gotten coins that they may use for getting more items with, including the shop items.


    • /ah (opens the Auction House menu)
    • /ah sell (puts the item you hold at the time of executing into the Auction House)
    • /ah clear (clears all items in the Auction House. Useful for removing spam) (ADMIN ONLY)
    • /ah transactions (relays all the transactions you made. The transaction records will be deleted once you disconnect)
  • @Fleek#14693 While that suggestion has similar functions to this suggestion, this suggestion allows you to buy items from anywhere with a single command. You could say this could surpass that suggestion, but that suggestion (from what I suspect) is about placing signs to chests to act as shops, and that kind of feature would not have expiring items.

    In an unbiased view, I'd say that both of these would be fine to implement at the same time, since they both coverup the other's downside.

  • Vouch. This can be used to sell op items and give OPs more reason to vote, And another way to get coins.

  • The concern I have is if someone were to middle click or use a mod to save the items in the auction house to their inventory or their hotbar without paying for the item. Would there be a way to prevent this kind of behavior from happening?


  • Object. It's essentially impossible to have an auction house where items are actually displayed unless they are somehow stripped of NBT when displayed in the auction house (which would sort of go against the point anyway.) You can simply toggle your internet, steal the items and quickly save them to a toolbar. We're adding this to the fact that unique items on TF hold zero value and that you can literally do the same thing with /invsee, negating any "item privacy" that would be required to actually make this work. The only thing that would come out of adding this is people who essentially screw others out of their coins with bullshit items that can allegedly do this or that.

  • @Panther#14730 @videogamesm12#14704 @Fleek#14709
    I'm pretty sure there is a way to convert each item's NBT into a separate file where the file imports itself into it's paired item when the item is bought, but even if thats not how it works, we already have @Fleek#14709 make it certain that there would be a way to remove issues like this, and we can simply make /invsee an admin only command (since honestly, who else really uses this command for anything useful anyways), or remove all NBT of the items you are '/invsee'ing, and insert lore underneath that shows any unflagged statistics about the items, but the lore in this case is spoofing the statistics, so the item won't actually work.

    Basically, leave /invsee for the admins, and put the NBT of the items that are in the Auction House, into files that goes to the server's database, where OPs can't reach. As long as the automatic lore of text displaying the damage, etc statistics is converted to custom lore so that their stats are still visible. Changing the stat lores back is quite another story unless we perfect removing those converted stat lores (which may or may not be possible, but probably not necessary either).

    Maybe if possible, we could have an anti-steal system, where every item in the /invsee and /ah would have an additional tag/NBT. This tag/NBT will play a part of triggering the server's stealing system, and will immediately smite the thief and the server will broadcast the thief's name, along with the name of his item, removing all items in his/her inventory when the server finds a stolen item inside a player or a container (containers with stolen items will be destroyed, deleting all stolen items inside). Keep in mind that this specific tag/NBT is only present on items that are not intended to be taken when the server disallows it. Even if the thief's items he stole is in his saved bars, he cannot remove this tag/NBT. However, there is of course one obvious flaw about this, and that is the tag/NBT can be removed at any time in local worlds, and saved again to be used normally.

    I think we should focus on making the displays without NBT, so that the initial items cannot be stolen.

  • @IxGamerXL#14732 Storing NBT for items elsewhere and putting fake stripped ones in the auction house/invsee sounds like it would be pretty hard to do. Also, taking away /invsee from ops is a whole different discussion, as that is a permission they have had for a long time and that I frequently see them use. The "anti-steal system" just isn't a very smart idea since it wouldn't even work for the method I talked about in my previous post. Regardless of all that, I still don't like the idea of an auction house on a creative server, since it's intentional that items can be endlessly duplicated, modified, and spread everywhere. It's pretty obvious why nobody would want to pay with coins that they can use for exclusive features for something that they can easily just find elsewhere.

    Plus, I think we should be phasing out the whole coin system anyway. From my experience, it attracts many more voters when you have a temporary rank that gives you the voter perks, but that is a different discussion for a different thread.

  • Something similar has already been approved to allow ops to run auctions. The understanding is though that we don't care about duplications or anything like that. I'll try to dig the thread out and update a post here with it.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • I think we should not attempt to implement any kind of duplication guard: that just seems like a cat-and-mouse game that we are not going to win. Not having a duplication guard does not make the feature useless, it just makes it catered towards roleplay.