• Hello. I’m not really sure if there’s anybody who cares or if anybody really wants to know what’s been going on with me ever since I left last year, but regardless, I feel like giving an update since I’ve been mostly quiet since I left.

    The entire early 2020-mid 2021 period during Covid where I could be found online pretty much 24/7 was a really rough time in my life, and in the real world I had just about no friends and I was rather depressed. Don’t know if that was everyone or just me in covid times; but long story short my entire life and creativity was poured into my projects on TF.

    I left last summer due to the fact I realised that I needed a life. Just looking at some of the stuff I built last year, I really needed to touch grass.

    So I thought I’d give an update on what I’ve done ever since then.

    • Last summer not long after I left I joined my schools cross country team and got myself into the best shape of my life after doing basically no exercise for 2 years, and I’m now very healthy and preparing to do more sports in the coming year.

    • I’ve gotten really into hiking ever since I went on my big Appalachian hike last June and I have hiked 8 mountains across Virginia over the last year. I love nature and the outdoors in general.

    • I joined my school’s musical and was an actor; we had our performances last month and being in that group was legitimately one of the greatest experiences of my life. I have made many new friends and have discovered more about myself.

    • Over the last year since I left I have been writing a book, and just 2 weeks ago I officially became a published author, and I am now happily selling my work to people around my town who want a copy.

    • I’ve completely rebuilt my social circle and made, not even exaggerating, probably 20 new really good friends over the last year who’ve supported me through everything.

    • I’ve completely rebuilt my social life and I now frequently go to events and go out with friends to gatherings of all kinds. A year ago I did pretty much nothing, so this is one of the best improvements for me.

    • I got a girlfriend. Yeah. Me, a guy who used to play Minecraft 10 hours a day. It’s been one of the greatest things to have happened to me in my life and I’m now in place I never could’ve imagined a year ago I would be in.

    Overall, leaving TF was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made and my life has gotten 1000x better ever since. I think a year ago I said that I might be back in a year but honestly I likely will never be returning, and if I ever do it will not be ANYWHERE near the level I was playing a year ago.

    I would recommend to anyone and everyone who finds themselves in the position I was in, touch grass, it’s really worth it and stuff gets better. Life will improve if you put in the effort, and don’t ever give up when times are tough. 🙂

  • Quote

      UnderTails I got a girlfriend. Yeah. Me, a guy who used to play Minecraft 10 hours a day. It’s been one of the greatest things to have happened to me in my life and I’m now in place I never could’ve imagined a year ago I would be in.

    insert quirky line about how big your imperium place is and how you must show it to her

    i dunno how to put it but didn't want it to go to waste either

    assrix, assryx, asterisk, *

    awesomeist tf blokey

  • So let me get it straight, you left TF, "figured your life out". Fair play, but then why fuck are you back here? You just here to "flex" that you have a life?

    Well done mate. The way you are talking you are incuintiering that people here have no social life or not much going on. Oh but you are wrong my friend I can tell you these people really do. They are what hold this community together and no one can deny that. Go back to touching grass and leave.

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      Rex2LostOldAccount why fuck are you back here? You just here to “flex” that you have a life?

    I mean, he played a big part in TF's post-Seth development, which is made of people after all and he's probably enjoyed his time with some nice ones.

    TotalFreedom's Executive Community & Marketing Manager

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      Rex2LostOldAccount So let me get it straight, you left TF, “figured your life out”. Fair play, but then why fuck are you back here? You just here to “flex” that you have a life?

    someone took the blue pill

    he came back to update us all on how his life is going because he actually had friends here (like me) who would want to know how hes doing after he left.

    is not implying anywhere that people here dont have any social life, although im not sure youre a shining example of "social life" given youre deciding to be an asshole for no reason instead of being happy about someone making positive changes in their life

    edit: "they are what hold this community together" undertails was on tf 2013 to 2021 💀
