Roe v. Wade Officially Overturned by SCOTUS

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      Miwojedk If I were to say that I value the life of the fetus equally as a person, how would I not be infringing on the bodily autonomy of the fetus by aborting it? The fetus is dependant on the mother in a similar manner a baby is dependant on the mother, no?

    yeah thats a good point actually. I suppose it just goes to show the various ways people fundamentally see it.

    personally think that it wouldnt be infringing if, let's say, the pregnancy would result in either the mother or the child's health being severely affected

  • @'neoivanov' Yeah. Another scenario I've read was…

    Imagine that you’re in a burning fertility clinic with a 2-year-old baby and a petri dish containing 10 blastulas. Say that the 10 blastulas are 100% guaranteed to survive. You can’t save both, so which do you save?

    I've yet to meet a anti-abortionist that could genuinely say that they wouldn't save the 2-year old.


    @'neoivanov' I’d say that it wouldnt be infringing if, let’s say, the pregnancy would result in either the mother or the child’s health being severely affected

    I think most would say the "put your own mask on before helping others"- airline mentality is what applies here, which is why most would likely save the mother.

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      enchy no, im saying that the way we look back at slavery and say “wow people were so evil back then” is the same way people will look back at us for abortion.

    "my source is that i made it the fuck up" - Senator Armstrong
    seriously where the fuck did you get this idea from, did you time travel to year 2120 and asked someone what they think of abortion?
    btw the cdc's stats on abortion is literally right below the source you just listed but "oh well it showed up first so it must be more reliable than a literal fucking government agency's source."

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      fleshly seriously where the fuck did you get this idea from, did you time travel to year 2120 and asked someone what they think of abortion?

    He is making the comparison of us looking at our past actions with disgust and future societies looking at our current actions with disgust. An example being infanticide which was a common occurrence during the Roman Empire. This is not at all a crazy comparison to make even though it could have been worded better by enchy.

  •   erin oh noes now babies can't be torn to shreds in the womb while they're dfenseless! this is a huge step backwards!

      Tizz oh my goodness watch out it's a baby! he's gonna kill us all with his uhhh, baby beam! if we don't rip him to shreds!


    as you can see, they are the stupidest most evil thing ever.

      @SaturnRayo it was mentioned. Jeremiah 1:5 KJV.

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      SuperRyn oh noes now babies can’t be torn to shreds in the womb while they’re dfenseless! this is a huge step backwards!

      SuperRyn oh my goodness watch out it’s a baby! he’s gonna kill us all with his uhhh, baby beam! if we don’t rip him to shreds!

      SuperRyn as you can see, they are the stupidest most evil thing ever.

    These responses are quite immature.. can I ask for you to be a little more civil in this discussion?

    I don't mind not responding to every word I say since that's unnecessary, but in your response to my post you only addressed my final sentence.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  •   erin ok

    @'Ryan' how about you read jeremiah 1:5 KJV?

      Luke "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations." Jeremiah 1:5 KJV. These so called "clumps of cells" are humans. People go bananas when they find out a pregnant animal died, but just pop pills to destroy their own babies like it's normal.

  •   SuperRyn

    I don't believe this one singular Bible verse should be the complete justification for why abortion may be wrong. Many people don't believe in the Christian God so you're not really giving us anything. While you may use the Bible's words to influence your own thoughts on things, it can't really be used as evidence to justify the ruling over a law like this.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

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      SuperRyn how about you read jeremiah 1:5 KJV?

    What does a story book have to do with anything? I'm not religious nor do I believe anything in Christianity is real. A person's beliefies should not influence the laws of a country.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

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      SuperRyn it was mentioned. Jeremiah 1:5 KJV.

    bit off topic (I think), but i'll reply to this.
    I was quite surprised when you mentioned this, as nothing online referenced this on the subject of abortion. I went to read the verse, and I ended up quite confused.
    Where is the connection to abortion here?
    It merely says that god chose him as a prophet before he was born and even before his creation. What is even addressing the point of abortion here? Because I can't see it.

  •   SuperRyn The video you linked is a surgical abortion. The diagram animation is over dramatic considering it's pretty medically inaccurate and a surgical abortion where the foetus is as developed as the diagram implies, is a pretty small percentage of all abortions. Usually people are only getting abortions like this if it is an ectopic pregnancy or something. Abortion is sad, it's traumatic, it's difficult. But it's a human right and anyone with a uterus should have access to a safe health practice to be able to make an informed decision. Banning abortions doesn't work, you're just banning safe healthcare. Religion isn't really a source either, I respect that your faith influences your opinion but this is a biological human right, not a political or religious moral issue.

    We even have pro-life politicians in America advocating for the banning of terminations for ectopic pregnancies, which are literal medical emergencies. Medically uninformed men should not be making decisions on women's healthcare.

    (side note: it hurts my brain trying to accurately word things about the medical side of this, thank fuck I didn't choose midwifery and settled with nursing)

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    @'luca nyahoooo' Person without uterus with simple brain saying “now they wont be torn to shreds in the womb” as if banning abortions is gonna stop abortion

    Are you claiming that banning abortion won't lead to a decrease in abortions?