Suspension - jwmphall

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • jwmphall has been suspended for making jokes that go against the conduct policy:
    3) Join the community to engage and have fun, not to advertise, promote hate or otherwise try to harm the overall community
    1) Respect & remain mindful of other members of the community.

    the build in question is this - - he put suicide bombers near the Kaabaa. i received a report by someone that this had offended; and I don't personally believe that was an overreaction.

    the suspension is for 2 weeks unless videogamesm12 chooses to extend or shorten it.


  •   resident_user A joke, the definition of a joke is a word or action that is taken to cause amusement or laughter and not at another person's expense.

    There is a line that is drawn between what's funny and what's outright retarded with poor taste. This one crosses the line, especially, with me as I don't know who the fuck you are. My opinion holds that he should be suspended indefinitely but lucky for him that it wasn't me who caught it.

  • see, as a muslim, i'm okay with the terrorist jokes. i'm not the most religious you'll see, but i still partake in my religion and follow the beliefs. but like, when it's the ka'aba involved in a joke, that's not really something that's taken lightly in the muslim community. it's really not a good joke to make

  • @'wxtermelon'



    a thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter, especially a story with a funny punchline.

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Black comedy, also known as black humor, dark humor, dark comedy, morbid humor, or gallows humor, is a style of comedy that makes light of subject matter that is generally considered taboo, particularly subjects that are normally considered serious or painful to discuss. Writers and comedians often use it as a tool for exploring vulgar issues by provoking discomfort, serious thought, and amusement for their audience. Thus, in fiction, for example, the term black comedy can also refer to a genre in which dark humor is a core component. Popular themes of the genre include death, crime, poverty, suicide, war, violence, terrorism, discrimination, disease, racism, sexism, and human sexuality.

  •   square Here is what the majority of ignorant members of this community think, you are not one of them to be clear.

    Our rules were made to be enforced based on the current situation, time and context. As everyone would agree, there are lines that shouldn't be crossed even if labeled as a 'joke'. If you can't tell the difference between a heartful joke and a complete shitpost of no taste, it's best to try not to be the funny guy in the room. I would say, I happen to make jokes that are indeed offensive, very bad jokes but It's only done when I am 100% sure that what I'm gonna say isn't going to offend the next person to hear it directly.

    The server rules are set with no one-size-fits-all punishment, Luke may have given him a 2 week but I damn sure would have made it indefinite. So, the moral of the story, rules are enforced based on our admins personal judgement and context.

  •   simplynick

    My point was that the suspension and its reasoning seemed like a joke but it goes without saying that what this admin did was also a joke.

    When a place to have fun turns into a political soapbox and higher-ups begin discerning things because of their political value like how they feel about Muslim extremists then this isn’t a valid reason to suspend an admin.

  •   Deauthorized


    Admins on here make fun of religion all the time. It seems like when Islam is the only religion made fun of then it is “Islamophobia” but when he mocks Christianity then he is not guilty of “Christophobia.” There are too many conditions on this server but it’s okay because these also extend into the realm of the West.

  •   erin I’m talking about the interactions that go on in chat between admins and players. The reason for this suspension doesn’t bear much distinction from that. It seems hypocritical that admins mock other faiths on the regular but when they actually build something to show for it then they’re guilty of -phobia.

    As I said, when the topic of Islam is raised then attention is suddenly drawn to politics because an admin made a joke.

  • In addition, look at the thread you linked and how it is described.

    “bigotry towards others’ political perspectives”

    Religion being a “political perspective” is an understatement because it is a greater part of someone’s worldview and determines how they live their life. The reasoning alone is plain in contrast to the reasoning on this suspension thread.

  • Quote

      Miwojedk Black comedy, also known as black humor, dark humor, dark comedy, morbid humor, or gallows humor, is a style of comedy that makes light of subject matter that is generally considered taboo

    This. Humor often serves the purpose of compartmentalizing atrocities. For example the formerly extremely popular "Busch did 9/11" memes. To deny the existence of tragedies and bad people is to become complacent in their existence. (paraphrased: Martin Niemöller) I can't control whether or not a joke offends somebody; if you don't find it funny - then ignore it. But for many (myself included), making light of morbid subjects helps process and come to terms with some awful realities. People make school shooting jokes on TF on a regular basis and go unpunished because we know they're jokes and can laugh at them despite the dark subject matter. I obviously mean no offense in any thing I say or do and apologize if you take offense but, and as a general rule, a simple private message is enough for a reasonable person to remove or recant something that somebody finds offensive.

    I'm going to say that last bit one more time because a lot of people need to hear it: people care what you think: a simple private message is enough for a reasonable person to remove or recant something that somebody finds offensive.