Posts by taah

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.

    luke, where do i begin

    you have been probably my greatest friend on this server, you have been there for me so many times i have lost track. thank you so much for absolutely everything, for always being so genuine and honest, and for being my friend. however, much like totalfreedom, our friendship has come to an end... because i have feelings for you too

    all those silly little jokes we made all this time, i have meant every single word. im tired of pretending, i am deeply in love with you luke. every time you would manage the discord it would give me butterflies because of how cool you are. you are such an amazing person and i am so grateful for you, and i cannot believe that you share these feelings..

    how cute (can someone ban these people)

    we're bringing back rubyfreedom with #7 bois

    Yes but at the same time we would not want someone like Savnith or Scutix to become a developer on the server I would assume? Or Wilee once again? (If someone is to say yes to these dear god...) Just because we are not screening for trustworthiness does not mean that people don't develop a sense of a developer being trustworthy during the duration of their title, especially those who work(ed) directly with them. Of course I am biased because myself and the other developers, including Paldiu, have worked directly with Allink himself for months and have spoken with him and learned to trust him as a person.

    EDIT: I understand your last point about the risk but the issue is there is no possible way to determine the risk that is possible for any individual as an admin unless they have PREVIOUSLY shown it. We are not exactly fortune tellers and Allink hasn't shown any signs whether he would to impose a threat and break rules and go rogue as an administrator. My point is that we can't hold people back because of their friendships with others because we haven't done that in the past and it is unfair.

    Technically speaking there is nothing stopping any of those people becoming developers, they may not get access to the dev server or similar but it's besides the point.

    And on risk, I'm referring to our risk appetite. How much risk are we as a server willing to take, historically it's been nearly 0 when it comes to admins and therefore we have been very picky about peoples histories / potential, but if we're willing to accept more risk with the mitigation that we're happier to remove the bad eggs much quicker then it balances it out if that makes sense.

    I'll also say on your last point, we can 100% do that, we're a minecraft server and we care about our own interests only, right now we aren't accepting of great risk, so if we see a risk with someone's associations past or present, we are entirely within our rights to refuse to grant additional accesses.

    Regarding the risk portion of all of this since it is what everyone is scared of, I only say it is unfair because there is no evidence or signs that have shown any association with Allink or another group, no evidence or sign that has shown Allink doing malicious intents with another group, and I understand you all 100% can hold back people because of their friendships, it does not mean we should. Do we even know of the associations or friendships everyone is scared about? Is everyone just believing what Video says even though there is no evidence to my knowledge or confirmation showing that Allink is associated with such people? And even if he is, what if he's friends with them outside of TotalFreedom's community and its matters? Once again, I do not think it is fair to judge based off accusations because as a person who was accused of many things, from a weepcraft post containing insults of administrators posted by a person who supposedly would unban players, and to being a savnith insider, all proven wrong meaning the senior administrators who provided information and went against me being retarded and wrong, I am biased.