Opinion On Gay Rights?

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      Ivan i would never be gay; just not the way i was raised.

    unless you're talking about suppressing your feelings and living an otherwise depressing life in terms of intimacy, there's no way that you can decide whether you want to be gay or not, it's scientifically proven that your sexuality is a biological factor decided before birth i love u ivan but this a miss


    ! "Finally, there is some evidence that the brains of homosexuals may be different from those of heterosexual men and women. The differences have been found in the hypothalamus, which controls eating, drinking, temperature regulation and sexual behavior. Studies done in the Netherlands and in Southern California have found such differences in several areas within the hypothalamus. One region, the midsagittal area of the anterior commissure, is larger in females than in males, but also appears to be larger in homosexual males. Another area, the suprachiasmatic nucleus, which controls circadian rhythm, is larger in heterosexual males and females than it is in homosexuals."

    look the way I see it is if you can't bring yourself to respect people with differing (uncontrollable) characteristics I think it just shows a lot more about you than it does about anyone else.. it shouldn't affect you, so don't let it.

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      fionn it shouldn’t affect you, so don’t let it

    And similarly, those who simply disagree with the lgbtq movement but still respect those who identify as such shouldn't affect the queer community either. And yet we still have many who attempt to push their lifestyle upon people that simply don't care.

    Not a disagreement, just an observation

  •   burger imagine if I started telling people that I simply tolerate but I don’t respect ginger people because it’s not how I was raised… imagine how silly that would be?

    I’m not saying the other side are without fault, there are some who push their sexuality on others and that’s wrong, but what I’m trying to say is there should be no need for the level of segregation which has been socially recognised and accepted. my analogy would be seen as imbecilic if it was shared as a genuine opinion, but both of them correlate in the sense that they’re both uncontrollable and dictated at birth. there should be no need to simply tolerate them, the lgbtq community should be seen as indifferent to anybody else, and that’s my argument here in the first place

  •   taah His opinion is invalid, it is misinformation, and it is not backed by science nor history nor facts nor logic.

    If I'm the reason he has those opinions, I am glad I've pushed him into a corner, it's a step in the right direction. I would expect such a cretin to instinctively deflect from the truth when presented with it. It's up to him to realize his wrongdoing being as he does not seem to like direct confrontation. He must realize it for himself. Willingness to admit one is wrong is a rare trait that I do not expect from Ivan.

    Hope this helps!

  •   melonsked just saying, but flat out attacking people here isn't what you should be doing. it definitely ain't helping.

    being an abrasive asshat and calling other people's viewpoints/opinions invalid just make you look bad.


  •   melonsked don't bother replying again if you're keep the snarky-ass throwing comments because i wont be replying again if you do. (furthermore, drop the "Hope this helps!" shit. it ain't helping anyone and is really passive-aggressive sounding.)

    im not pandering to anyone, im just telling it how i see it. you're coming off as an abrasive asshat -- you can't forcefully change people's viewpoints, especially not like you're trying to do. all that's going to do is make people dig in further.


  •   root I'm sorry if you're incorrectly perceiving my remarks, I can't control your perception. Considering you seem to have an issue with my responses, I am not forcing you to respond however I do not have an issue responding if you'd like to keep discussing, that will be up to you.

    Hope this helps!

  •   Ivan

    That entire pronoun misunderstanding paragraph truly shows how much of a dickwad you are toward differently prounouned people, including people that go by they/them. If someone wants to be referred to as their preferred pronouns, be a decent person, respect their requests and use them properly. Don't complain if they ask, either.

    As for this:
      Ivan "you should stick to the gender you were at birth and changing it isn’t going to do you any better than having Twitter and southern California on your side."

    This is completely false. Sticking with the same gender / sex can't fix gender dysphoria, can it?
    Overall, my stance on your comment, Ivan, is that you should learn human decency and respect people's choices, as it is their body, and their choice.

    My stance on this topic, however, is that I and most people do not care whatsoever (positively) what you identify as, we will always respect and support.

    Signing off,

  • im not gonna try to 'convert' people to think something that they don't believe in. they have their own beliefs and thats ok, but once they actively harm someone for it then we have a problem. i dont care what you think about me because ive spent like a quarter of my life coming to terms with it. you have no right to tell me whats wrong or right because you have no idea what its like. you can think what you want but keep it to yourself. if you dont understand it, dont act on it and dont try to actively put others down. i am still a human with a personality and feelings. i can still love whoever i want. i can have sex however and with whoever i want.

    edit: and i can be whoever i want!!! 😎 😎

  • mattlawn defined my thoughts quite well:


      mattlawn do whatever you want as long as its consenting adults

    Reading this thread reminded me a lot of a thread I created back in late December. While initially written to apply to politics, it can really apply in any case.


    @"videogamesm12"#4 There’s nothing I hate more than intolerance. Whether you like it or not, people are entitled to their own opinions. Disrespecting people for their [...] opinion or invalidating their opinion altogether because it’s different or because you don’t like it is not only extraordinarily toxic, but it also leads to conflict, weakens your credibility [...], and quite frankly makes you look like an asshole.

    If you consider yourself someone who hates bigotry but then invalidates someone else's opinion and personally attacks them for it, you are ironically bigoted yourself.


  •   taah I can completely understand why you would think something isn't harmful when it isn't directly affecting you. Any and all bigoted rhetoric will harm the community targeted, there are no questions about that. When we have bigoted ideas circling, they will spread and mutate like a virus. I don't care about attaining your respect as your outlook refuses to show respect to marginalized people affected by bigotry daily.

    Hope this helps!

  •   fionn


      fionn magine if I started telling people that I simply tolerate but I don’t respect ginger people

    Im not trying to appeal to a side but I think what some people mean by not agreeing with homosexuals is that they view it as an unnatural trait, while something like a person's hair color is something natural. Again not saying I agree with this view but that's what some people say