Indefinite Ban Request - billy7oblos

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • Vouch and confirm witness. I've reported it and provided telnet logs as soon as I recognised the nature of the server's fatal errors due to plotworld's data corruption.

    TotalFreedom's Executive Community & Marketing Manager

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    @'billy7oblos' the only way a player could have crashed from this incident was if an admin went in vanish, and teleported to my plot

    Anyone teleporting to your plot (or any of those adjacent plots) would have been crashed. Anyone can teleport to anyone's plots, and on occasion people do try and visit the plots of online players to check out their builds.


    @'billy7oblos' stfu with your bullshit

    This toxicity is really helping your case.


    @'billy7oblos' its your fault you were on my plot

    You should not be fucking around with crash exploits at your plot, or anywhere on this server. Full stop. You were unbanned to give the benefit of the doubt and warned to be careful with those in future.

    It is not the person's fault for teleporting to you, or your plot. Or any of the plots in the range of the crash. It is your fault for making people crash there in the first place.

    Just because nobody finds you breaking the rule doesn't make it okay...

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  • Object.

    billy7oblos is an active member of TF that I doubt would intentionally mean to harm TF, which has yet to be showcased in the thread. His attitude on this thread can be excused by the fact that 5-10 people are ganging up on him in the thread.

    A warning or temporary ban is more than sufficient.

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      Miwojedk billy7oblos is an active member of TF



      Miwojedk that I doubt would intentionally mean to harm TF

    doesn't matter


    g. Using an exploit that restricts a players experience.

    nowhere does it mention intent, the facts are that regardless of whether he wanted to or not, he used an exploit (which is known to be an exploit) and that lead to an player, being erin, having a restricted experience. there is no way you can deny this given he himself has said "I never told the admins to tp", while he in fact didn't tell them to, he still used that exploit and it still restricted their experience by crashing them


      Miwojedk which has yet to be showcased in the thread

    it doesn't have to be. intent (according to 1g) doesn't matter. I can understand that argument for 1a, and if this request was purely for 1a I would agree, however this falls under 1g.


      Miwojedk His attitude on this thread can be excused by the fact that 5-10 people are ganging up on him in the thread.

    I can agree with this tbf. His attitude here should have no bearing on this


  •   Luke



    I think there should be a distinction between an active member of the community vs. some random troll. More leeway should be given to individuals populating the community, as is done when an Admin or any other well-regarded member does the exact same.


    doesn't matter

    Certainly should.


    nowhere does it mention intent, the facts are that regardless of whether he wanted to or not, he used an exploit (which is known to be an exploit) and that lead to an player, being erin, having a restricted experience. there is no way you can deny this given he himself has said "I never told the admins to tp", while he in fact didn't tell them to, he still used that exploit and it still restricted their experience by crashing them

    "Category 1 - Indefinitely Bannable Offenses: Bans that restrict the user from joining the server indefinitely depending on the severity of the offense."

    As far as I can tell this is not what most would call severe as this happened to affect another individual only, and not the entire server (accidentally).

    This is akin to saying that I should be permanently banned for using //sphere sand 300 and thus crashing the server.

    Did I ever say that?

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      Miwojedk I think there should be a distinction between an active member of the community vs. some random troll. More leeway should be given to individuals populating the community, as is done when an Admin or any other well-regarded member does the exact same.

    Agreed but as it stands no policy says it should - suggest one instead?


      Miwojedk Certainly should.

    Should but doesn't. See above.


      Miwojedk "Category 1 - Indefinitely Bannable Offenses: Bans that restrict the user from joining the server indefinitely depending on the severity of the offense."

    As far as I can tell this is not what most would call severe as this happened to affect another individual only, and not the entire server (accidentally).

    But point being it could have affected the server and did affect multiple other players given it made unrecoverable chunks on other peoples plots..


  •   Luke


    Agreed but as it stands no policy says it should - suggest one instead?

    There is nowhere it says it shouldn't.


    But point being it could have affected the server and did affect multiple other players given it made unrecoverable chunks on other peoples plots..

    Point being it was a clear accident that should be handled via warning / temp ban.

    No wonder TF is losing players.

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      Miwojedk it was a clear accident

    I could understand giving the benefit of the doubt in some cases, but it was performed 9 times around all corners of his plot and nowhere else - with the chunks affected stretching into the plots around his.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  •   videogamesm12 Also, if it was an accident, this entire situation could of easily been resolved with billy coming out from the beginning and stating he accidentally used the exploit? But its safe to assume it was intentional given the fact there has been no admittance of it being 'accidentally' used and a clear lack of remorse from the start. Also, this exploit if used 'accidentally' would of had lesser effects because it requires you to first manually obtain a LOT of NBT in your inventory. You don't just place it and the chunk's gone. There's advanced preparation for it to work so clearly it is not 'accidental'.

    Clearly not an 'accident' given his inventory was empty with a handful of blocks, the sign and an axe with a lot of NBT and he was disconnecting and reconnecting several times and made no mention of him accidentally using the exploit.




  •   Miwojedk this excerpt might offer a little more explanation. From a quick count, he disconnected and reconnected a total of 17 times in a 20 minute period, and as the screenshot I've sent shows, he tried to pass it off as his internet.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

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      Luke nowhere does it mention intent, the facts are that regardless of whether he wanted to or not, he used an exploit (which is known to be an exploit) and that lead to an player, being erin, having a restricted experience. there is no way you can deny this given he himself has said "I never told the admins to tp", while he in fact didn't tell them to, he still used that exploit and it still restricted their experience by crashing them

    this is not a normal "player restricts other player by crashing them", imagine you were pvping with someone, and an admin teleports to you and gets hit by one of the pvp potions, should the pvper be sanctioned for trollpotting?


      Miasmus So this applies to him but not me?

    you were aware that placing the exploit you would crash 2 admins


      Luke But point being it could have affected the server and did affect multiple other players given it made unrecoverable chunks on other peoples plots..

    "it could have" is a not relevant, im sure you "could have" crashed the server if you placed a server crashing exploit, and there are NO UNRECOVERABLE CHUNKS have you been reading? the only thing that was reset was the edges of the plots (the edges that the owner of the plot has no control over anyway)


      videogamesm12 How do you accidentally use a sign exploit that deletes chunks (a feat only achievable using a hacked client) on 9 different occasions?

    me crashing alco was an accident, but me resetting chunks in my own plot was not an accident, it was intentional, i did not mean any harm and no harm was done
    (also you don't need a hacked client to use this exploit)


      Alco_Rs11 because it requires you to first obtain a LOT of NBT in your inventory. You don't just place it and the chunk's gone. There's advanced preparation for it to work so clearly it is not 'accidental

    false, it does not require any NBT in your inventory, and you clearly showed that the axe had less then 65k characters. think before you post


      erin this excerpt might offer a little more explanation. From a quick count, he disconnected and reconnected a total of 17 times in a 20 minute period, and as the screenshot I've sent shows, he tried to pass it off as his internet.

    na, i said my internet was trash because it was taking like 10 seconds to reconnect to the server

    again, i am sorry for crashing alco and changing the edges of my plot. I crashed alco by accident and the plot was just a harmless side effect (im still sorry for it, but all i did was reset the edges of my plot and some plots around me, not any blocks people had placed)

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    @'billy7oblos' na, i said my internet was trash because it was taking like 10 seconds to reconnect to the server

    Fair enough. Rest of my point stands.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.