Indefinite Ban Request - billy7oblos

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  •   Miasmus was banned for using the same exploit in a controlled setting just like you. It's really only fair.
    I dont know the extent of how dangerous this is to the server but it does have weird properties that definitely set off red flags (maybe video or someone else could fill us in but thats up to them). Miasmus was of course upset by the ban but at least could take it and understand why, which is highly respectable imo. Neither of you are malicious players in my opinion simply people that made mistakes. But rules are rules, miasmus could accept that why cant you?

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    @'billy7oblos' i never told the admins to tp and crashed them

    Each and every single one of the plots around yours is claimed by a player who, if they teleported to their plot, would have crashed due to you messing around.

    And evidence has shown you performed the exploit on all four corners of your plot, resetting chunk information on the plots around you - including one which has alleged player activity on it. Not only does this cause the most damage in terms of the resetting you can do to other people's plots, but this also means the area in which players would have crashed is much larger.

    You were not testing or messing around and you were not


    @'billy7oblos' far away from players and without harming anyone

    You were doing it slap bang in the middle of plotworld. A world in which you had 8 peoples plots adjacent to yours.

    This also draws a lot of parallels with the last time you were indefinitely banned - in which Steven himself warned you to not play around with things at your plot that can cause crashes. That clearly went in one ear and out the other.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  •   Yurni This exploit is incredibly dangerous. It has the capability to irrecoverably reset any chunk it is used on and can chunkban anyone near it when it is deployed. Billy used this exploit at least 4 times on his plot (refer to my image in my reply to him) and all the neighboring plots are claimed and players likely use them. The ideal situation is that billy should of tested it outside of TF on his own localhost server if he really wanted to see what it can do.


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      Zarcana #1: its still a malicious exploit, you should not be testing any malicious exploits on TF.

    its not uncommon and not against the rules to use this specific exploit away from players


      Zarcana #2: it did infact crash someone, which is a Cat 1 offense (Indef-Bannable offense)

    as stated, they were in vanish and i had no idea they were in render distance


      erin Each and every single one of the plots around yours is claimed by a player who, if they teleported to their plot, would have crashed due to you messing around.

    none of them were online, and none of them had any player activity, there was not even the remotest chance that they would have crashed (as you already know)

  •   Alco_Rs11 Well im not talking peer to peer dangerous. Talking about damage to data on the server. Also general rule of thumb is if you want to test exploits on TF get a staff member to supervise and approve of testing it, and also reporting the exploit ovsly

  • this thread is so full of misinformation, just like the last one, so im gonna put a list of facts

    1. the only way a player could have crashed from this incident was if an admin went in vanish, and teleported to my plot (again, i had no way of knowing they were in render distance so its not on me that they crashed)
    2. the only change to the server was that the borders of some players plots were reset, i did not "break the server"
    3. @"Miasmus"#367 was banned for using the exploit on 2 admins (iirc) intentionally, knowing that they would crash. The only reason someone crashed this time is because they were in vanish and i had no way of knowing they were there
    4. the only thing this exploit does is reset a chunk, and kick anyone in render distance ONE TIME as its placed (as documented in the admin post)

    knowing all this, the only thing i really did was reset the EDGES of plots, it never broke anything but if that's grounds for an indefinite ban then rip

  • some examples of misinformation (and outright lies) used in the other threads against me:
    (the ip's both started with 174 lol)
    --but the items in question: sd
    ^ this was an outright lie as proven by me and other admins

    the same thing is happening here, to make it look like i did something more then i did


      Alco_Rs11 More evidence confirming chunkbanning:

    ^ there is no chunkbanning


      Alco_Rs11 and can chunkban anyone near it when it is deployed



      erin Steven himself warned you to not play around with things at your plot that can cause crashes

    implying that the item can crash the server


      Miasmus Because you have literally no reason to use this exploit whatsoever, except to disrupt someone else.

    false. again, even alco knew that no one was in my render distance

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    @'billy7oblos' i had no way of knowing they were there

    So? You knew the exploit was dangerous. Doing something dangerous but not knowing that it might harm someone does not excuse you from what you did. Defending your case with "I didn't know" is pretty stupid here imo


    @'billy7oblos' false. again, even alco knew that no one was in my render distance

    how does that disprove anything? you still have no other motive. if it didn't affect anyone/anything, then why do it?


    @'billy7oblos' implying that the item can crash the server

    crashing can mean players too, and most likely this exploit can crash a server as well. also, why didn't you listen to steven?


    @'billy7oblos' false

    dude, stop bullshitting. ive tested the exploit multiple times.


    @'billy7oblos' some examples of misinformation (and outright lies) used in the other threads against me:

    which proves what? that in this thread everyone is lying too?

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      erin Each and every single one of the plots around yours is claimed by a player who, if they teleported to their plot, would have crashed due to you messing around.

    This is actually a good point to as how this wasnt done in pure private (Ex: rtp with tptoggle)

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    @'billy7oblos' i had no way of knowing they were in render distance so its not on me that they crashed

    "i did something that i knew was against the server rules and can possibly be damaging to another player's experience on the server, and it did happen to harm someone, but hey i didn't realize it so it's technically not my fault"
    jesus fucking christ dude what kind of logic is this

  • @'billy7oblos' This exploit chunk-banned me. I doubt you even looked at the logs and evidence I provided above which confirmed this fact before opening your mouth. I was kicked due to a corrupted chunk caused by this exploit. Stop trying to find petty ways to wiggle out of getting punished for actions you committed. This exploit clearly and rightfully falls under 1a and 1g given the effects it can do. You used it 4+ times so clearly there was malicious intent and it did crash me when you did it and I was in your plot.

    To further prove that this exploit indeed crashed me, here is a kick message on my own controlled test environment using the same chunk wiper exploit compared to the message I got on TF. Same exploit, same type of message.


  •   fleshly stfu with your bullshit, its not against the server rules (because its not harming the server and i wouldn't have done it if i knew someone was near) the only thing it does it crash ME


      Alco_Rs11 This exploit chunk-banned me

    no, it kicked you for a few seconds before you rejoined and banned me, i was crashing myself and you were in vanish, so you cant blame me for your crash

  •   Alco_Rs11


      Alco_Rs11 You used it 4+ times so clearly there was malicious intent

    is this a joke? its your fault you were on my plot, while i was clearly crashing, without announcing yourself.
    also you made 4 posts so clearly there was malicious intent


      Alco_Rs11 given the effects it can do.

    this is not a what if, where we speculate what could have happened. i crashed myself and you were invis so you crashed with me, simple as that.

    "what if" i was far away from any other players and crashed myself and got caught from logs, would that be bannable? no, so same thing here

  • Object, i do indeed know billy7oblos as a friend and i have shit on his item design in the past but this objection isnt biased, and also its chunk ban ppl not crash chunk/exploit chunk.

  • The issues with this scenario are:

    • You used this exploit in the plotworld (which is supposed to be very condensed) in a way that affected other users' plots.
      Anybody with a plot nearby or anybody who is in the vicinity of your plot would be affected by the exploit. Since you placed the signs at the corners of your plot, it also had the side-effect of damaging multiple plots belonging to other users irrecoverably. This side-effect is a violation of section 1a of the Conduct Policy. If you had used the exploit in your plot at the center, this probably wouldn't be as big of a deal.

    • The exploit you used works as both a chunk ban and a chunk-wiping exploit.
      This means that even though it only caused chunks from plots directly connected to your plot to be wiped, anyone close enough to the plot would also be affected by the exploit as they would be effectively chunkbanned from the server. The chunk itself can be loaded from far away, so the distance of who is actually affected by the chunk-ban part greatly exceeds what you think it is.


  •   @ggawdw I think you're misunderstanding the scope of the exploit he was using. It's a chunk-wiping exploit and it can irreparably reset a chunk that its used on, making it also an untraceable griefing tool and a major problem. A side effect of it is that it also chunkbans anyone near it.
