Stop doing anything with coreprotect for the moment

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • Today it’s not really clear what happened, but I assume assume an admin did a global rollback, and builds and things all around the server with destroyed.

    The imperium base was very badly destroyed and every grief from the past week combined with coreprotects dysfunctionalness puts us into probably a few weeks of reconstruction.

    I just want to inform all the admins, coreprotect doesn’t work and that it’s not fit to be used, it’s completely unstable, inconsistent, dysfunctional, and has no capability of dealing with griefs and only makes them worse. That’s all I want to say.

    I’m so damn tired of fixing griefs and dealing with all the shit coreprotect causes, it’s been adding a new stress to my life for a few months now.

    after the events of today I’m gonna take a break from the server for a few days to clear my head.

    This is just out of control

  • @shrimp#3331 you’re right,
    I’m sorry I’ll edit my post

    that wasn’t what I meant

    I just generally want to say coreprotect doesn’t work

    it’s edited now tell me if you want me to change it further

    if something is griefed 90% of the time it won’t log it on coreprotect, and the other 10% it’ll do some weird shit and make a mess, remove all the nbt and do horrible stuff to your build

  • The main reasons things don't get logged seem to be when someone kicks off a massive rollback (which takes ages due to the amount of blocks and shit design on coreprotect where it won't establish more than one dB connection) and then someone kills the server. This causes the rollback to be half complete a lot of the time with the dB and server out of sync and any block changes that were queued to be written to be lost.

    If admins are starting rollback they need to see them through before killing the server or trying to do anything else with coreprotect.

    As I've said on every other thread about coreprotect, if someone can give me a viable alternative I'll consider it but nobody seems to be able to give me something that works well and works well at scale.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • Undertails. I think it's time for me to come clean.

    Last night, I was attempting to get rid of some grief, but accidentally set the raidus to global without thinking. In a panic of trying to stop this, I reloaded coreprotect. Which as a result, fucked all of your builds. I feel absolutely terrible though as I can see how much time you've spent on this. that's why I am going to be dedicating time to help you restore your builds back to how they are. I certinaly did not want this to happen, and I can see how much this is stressing you out. I am so sorry, and I really want to help you get your builds right, because, the whole area is amazing.
