Allow players who purchased it to set their own login message

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • The pre-determined list of login messages is, in all honesty, not great. No offence to whoever set them, but none of them work for me and many of them are similar joke-ish ones. Now, that would be more understandable if they were easier to access, to stop trolls messing with them. But 2,500 coins is a lot - you get 140 per day of voting so would need to vote for 18 days, assuming all votes went through. Alternatively, you can win 250 reacts, which happen every 5 minutes or so. Assuming you win them all (which is difficult as there is often competition) in a row through non stop play, that will take nearly 21 hours. Through a mixture of voting and reacts, it took me several hours of play a day for two weeks and then around a week of voting.

    So to me, anyway, it is pretty clear that the players doing this are going to be committed enough to the server to be able to be trusted in setting their own login message. Staff should be able to intervene, obviously, and change someone's if they happen to go through all that to break the rules with their login message.

    Edit: I would just like to add that many items in the list feel like they were set by and/or for certain players already, such as there being one that is referencing an old song. They feel too specific. It feels as if members of the community already had access to this feature if they were in good standing with those who could add login messages. I also would not have saved up 2500 coins if I knew what my options were. I've had to settle for (Role) (Player).

  • I vouch. i think the original intention here was to disband custom login messages in the equality of ops and admins and to prevent misuse.

    i dont mind if we give admins perms to force remove login messages of those who make spammy ones and misuse it. although again we could just use GCMD or summit

    assrix, assryx, asterisk, *

    awesomeist tf blokey

  • @chargenation1158#12429 As long as you use %rank% in your loginmessage, you can set it to anything.

    "name is" - pre-supplied at the start, hence the following of 'an' instead of 'admin is an'
    e.g /loginmessage an awesome %rank%

    (Note: This only applies to admins as of currently)

  • Object. You may think it's a good idea now but when you're constantly moderating spammy, offensive, racist, and other disrespectful login messages, you'll think otherwise.

  • @Ivan#12435 you do realise the paywall will still be in place right? i dont think people are gonna grind for coins only to set their login to the most repulsive things. i wouldn't mind there being in place a command to strip their login message if they do it repeatedly.

    assrix, assryx, asterisk, *

    awesomeist tf blokey

  • @videogamesm12#12437 It's also another piece of data we have to handle too... it's not like how we moderate nicknames. We'd have to setup an entirely new set of rules based on these login messages

    @lyicx#12438 I do. But I like the pre-made login messages, they're customizable and players should be able to vote on them each month. Again, just my opinion. My vote isn't going to sway the entire thread

  • Quote

    @Ivan#12440 I do. But I like the pre-made login messages, they're customizable and players should be able to vote on them each month. Again, just my opinion. My vote isn't going to sway the entire thread

    i guess you do have a point with that and i feel we should've had a monthly thread with the most liked being implemented or some shit which'd be neat and promote some sort of community engagement.

    but i feel this is more infinitely more preferable to people as people want to add their own personal touches yknow rather then preset logins anyone and everyone can have.

    can i also say the current preset logins we have are fucking terrible, i counted atleast half of them being akin to some form of self deprecation. but this was awhile back so i might have to double check that

    assrix, assryx, asterisk, *

    awesomeist tf blokey