Infinity slots

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  • So when you look at TF rn you see:


    300 is such a big number, I know we have SMP server as well as FR01 and FR02, but this really needs to come down until we absolutely need more player spots. These numbers currently look very stupid.

    A plugin for doing something like this is:

    Although we don't HAVE to use that, we could use a system like it, where we have 10 player slots set and then every time we get over 10 a system like the plugin above kicks in. It builds a feeling for players where they're like 'Oh totalfreedom is active, let me try and get on!' kinda thing. As a kid this is how I felt whenever I tried to get on my favourite MC server and I think many can relate to the days when an admin would join thus you getting kicked out.

  • So basically you want to put server resources into reducing the amount of player slots to attempt to psychologically manipulate people into joining?

    People will be put off by a 10 slot server because a 10 slot server is usually one running on a low budget with little effort put into its upkeep.

  • that's just the number set on the proxy config - the servers have a way shorter amount of player slots

  • i dont think theres any realistic ground to add this in my opinion as we dont get nearly enough to fill 300 nor is it an honest representation of what the server is capable of

    assrix, assryx, asterisk, *

    awesomeist tf blokey

  • The problem with the player slot number is that it means nothing. It doesn't say anything about how many players the server can handle, or about how many players we can reasonably expect. There is no reason why 300 slots is better for our server than 200 or 400. I vouch for changing it to a number that is obviously fake: the suggestion is n+1, but for example always displaying 1 is also fine by me.

    Good to note here is that no matter what number you want to display, the code is trivial and can easily be integrated into TFM.

  • I can change that number on the fly in config, I set it to 300 because it seemed like a decent number.

    I absolutely hate the whole N + 1 setup for slots, it looks absolute nonsense and when you have low player numbers on it just makes it look like there is only room for 1 or 2 players, which just is stupid.

    I can drop the number down for now to something like 50 or something like that? I don't know what peoples views are on it but happy to reduce it down if that's the concern, or can increase it to something much much higher if people want...

    We don't need another plugin to do that though.


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