Admin Reinstatement - Shdwo

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • If you were a former Total Freedom staff member (of any rank) and you wish to be reinstated, please apply using this template and place your application in the admin application section with the subject Application for Reinstatement and your Minecraft name.

    Your Minecraft name:

    Are you using the same forum & Minecraft account that you used when you were a staff member in the past? (Yes or No). If no, state all former account names and be prepared to verify that you're not an imposter:
    No, the minecraft account I used previously was given away to a close friend (the name of that account now is Kuruko_Chan, as shown in my suspension return) however I can verify my identity through past DMs with admins if needed. This isn't the same forum account as my last account was on the proboards forum.

    ^^ Note: Reinstatements will not be approved until the EAO can positively verify that the person applying for reinstatement is the same as the past admin - the burden of proof is on the person requesting reinstatement. ^^

    What rank were you (Administrator, Senior Admin) and the approx dates you were a staff member: (e.g. super admin from Jun 2010 - Jan 2013)
    Super Admin - May 2018 (?)

    Why were you removed from your staff position? (Answer one below and exclude the rest)

    d. I was removed or suspended for misconduct (Yes or No) If yes, explain why and detail your plan to ensure it won't happen again.
    I was removed for violating misconduct, specifically [2d] which includes posting NSFW directly to server chat and discord. As well as being a general nuisance to other players and going rogue at some point. A few years has past since this happened and I can honestly say I've made a huge improvement on my life. In regards to this, I can confidently say that this mistake won't be made again, I'm willing to dedicate my time in helping this server and it's community.

    If you were removed just for long term inactivity (yes to 4a above and no to 4b thru 4e), please skip to Q 6 otherwise you must answer this question: What current activities have you performed to merit reinstatement?
    b. Assisted new or existing players (explain how)
    If existing/new players have asked i've always directed them towards the correct source for information (plan, forum, app's e.t.c)

    f. Other (provide detailed explanation)
    I've contributed towards polls on the forums and reported grief/misconduct to admins in game

    If you are reinstated, how often will you be able to do staff duties?
    I can perform staff duties for about 11-12 hours per day(currently in lockdown) however when school starts, that'll change to about 9-10 hours per day

    Have you reviewed the server rules and banning protocols to ensure you're up to speed on any changes that might have occurred since your return from inactivity?
    I've kept up to date with the rules and took note of any changes made

    Do you have a family member that's been on the perm ban list within the past 60 days? If yes, your request will be denied with the exception of the allowance in rule 18 of

  • I know this isn't something that you vote for but object, as you make up lies about people to start drama. On my admin application, they took a screenshot without context to make it seem like I sexually harassed an OP.
    edit: they deleted the screenshot after i called them out lol

  • @Blassph#8364 I agree that I should've provided contextual evidence in regards to the screenshots provided on my objection, that's why I deleted the screenshot.. however "making up lies about people to start drama" isn't true. I've DMed you about this matter

  • @Shdwo#8365 dude no you don't just take a screenshot with no context to say i'm sexually harassing someone then act like you just made a mistake of forgetting to add context

  • @Blassph#8366 He admitted he made a mistake, that kind of thing happens sometimes and as long as he's sincere in his apology then it's best to move forward. I made that same mistake last year and people were kind enough to look past it.


  • @Shdwo#8367 that is what was implied with the screenshot and the caption "this was directed at another op- i believe" also, the "i believe" part is just your get out of jail free card when it comes to someone calling out, and this is only something that you would've had reason to include if you knew that this was gonna happen, as you didn't make the "i believe" comment with any of the other screenshots