Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • Should the TFGU be removed as an Associated Community? 27

    1. Yes (23) 85%
    2. No (4) 15%

    For many members of the community, the Guilds Union was a place where guild differences did not matter. UnderTails' original plan was to have a 'mini community' where there are no actual leaders. The group would simply be led by the various guild leaders, with the discord server being owned by Tails. Additionally, the major guilds would easily be able to discuss things together and have events together.

    However, when Tails left the community, Quack was given ownership of the server. In recent days, it has been proved that the server is not a true representation of the guilds aspect of our server. The group's leaders continuously silence people by muting them and they have even created a channel for crap-posting called 'cring-bin'. The group is a bad image on our community.

    Therefore, I would like to propose that the group is removed as an Associated Community. Please vote in the polls and discuss below.

  • Huge vouch, its been run extremely poorly.
    Quack's disrespected tails' wishes for the TFGU
    I hope we can actually reform the dumpster fire that is TFGU

    Endermatter Cat-Person with wings and Magic who follows the Cat Religion.

    "Never Surrender."

  • I'm not voting since the direction of TGFU has been made clear, but just going to drop this which I feel sums everything up really well in regards to the way this associated community is run

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  • P.S This is what happens when you let someone with the mental brain of a pre-teen run a server with a lot of members. Ask people that knew me when I was retarded. A lesson we can all learn is to let someone with at least some form of maturity run a server like this

  • currently crying!!!!
    remove it from the associated communites, i know tails was trying to make the tfgu turn into a better place and i tried to respect that, me being a complete retard and letting whatever the fuck happen was definitely a fuck on my side

    i tried my best to run it right and told petya to stop the pings but pinged anyways, i enforced rules and made formatting rules until there was no other fix. ofc that didnt fix it and it turned into a dumpster fire again

    i'm legit trying my best not to make the community bad but i've failed in doing so. im not shutting down the tfgu or giving it to other people as people don't understand that i really cant do anything about it as it is the tf community being fuck and turning people into, you knew it, fuck.

    yeah, that sounds retarded, but it's literally the truth. you try running the tfgu for a day and see how it goes. ive always thought of shutting down the tfgu because of all this but i just wanted to respect tails' decision on the tfgu. i was ofc really stupid at those times and made bad decisions. if you guys want the tfgu to either be shut down then sure, reply to this and say it. if you want it to live and i enforce actual rules then sure, reply to this saying keep it.

    i will do everything in my power to make the tfgu exist again. i did lots of rules but ofc you ignored that amd said "the damage has been done", like bro you want me to create a time machine or some shit????

    i legit tried my best, i knew my mistakes, i tried to fix it but couldn't, i'm not putting blames on anybody or saying anybody caused this as i can't really put the blames on anybody expect me. i never leaded the tfgu itself, just a discord server, and that was my vision. there is no actual leader to the tfgu at all. this was clearly a dumpster fire and i blame myself.

    here's what everybody wanted to hear:
    i caused this, im the problem, i managed it poorly, im retarded, fuck me. enjoy

    P.S this does not mean it's shutting down, just remove it from the fucking associated communities, i cant handle this shit anymore.

    Admin // Hub Moderator // Master Builder

    Incredibly awesome duck.

  • Wow this went everywhere, even though im someone who never got involved seriously in guilds and still have no plan to, it still sucks to see something like this, and honestly seeing corp popping up just brings back TheSense memories when they urge any and all players to join them. (minus the whole hostile takeover and server lagging thing).

    Im not anyone to claim I know or knew many people in charge of the guilds but seeing something like petya muting someone for voicing concerns on where the associated community was going and what was happening to it is downright sad. When I was quite new to the server tails asked me if I wanted to join imperium but instead of spamming "imperium >>" or "/g join imperium" he took me to the end islands where imperium is and gave me a tour while telling me about the guild and other guilds. I didn't realize it then but this now seems seriously admirable when compared to the nonsense recruitment tactics used by the likes of corp. It may be jokes but I'm not quite sure hence why I stopped joking about it. I just feel bad for the new players who join the server for the first time and get bombarded with "/g join XYZ" its just unnecessary. I do hope TFGU can rise from the ashes and become the once respectable community it seemed to have been before as simply letting it die doesnt seem justifiable to Tails' hopes for the guild community.

  • I would like to chip in as someone who was somewhat involved in the beginnings of the guild union (I was partially responsible for the logo design). It saddens me to see a unique and cool idea like this devolve into a shitshow. With that being said, I feel like there is still hope for it. Instead of completely removing it as an "associated community", I feel we should instead get someone who isn't very involved in guild conflicts to take over the management of the Discord itself. This allows the leader of the Discord to maintain a neutral state, all the while giving the leaders of each guild the ability to and manage their own guild sections on it.

    Just some thoughts.
