Posts by quack95

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.

    *insert very emotional text here*

    Ok but actually, I fucking love TF. I'm bored to shit, log on. I wanna spam /co i on builds that look griefed but they just look like shit, log on. In all seriousness, TF was a staple of my life and it's genuinely changed me for the better. I've made some good friends, made some projects that never finished because I can't stop rebranding and actually had the most fun on any server I've ever been on. I knew the end was coming, but not this fast.

    Ryan, where's my hub mod?

    Honorable mentions:

    boxboy79 - You're boxman. You are THE boxman.

    PressEndure - You made quackification and had over 10 people quackified. You also should've been an mb ngl

    Luke - monty mole's personal assistant

    lyicx - FUCK YOU

    Kadalyst - Haven't exactly interacted much but most interactions were pleasant.

    HandUnit - I've hated you for the half the time we were somehow friends. stop flexing your gc association

    Feueristic - the guy who writes paragraphs for a living and also very wise

    Anti95 - The smackdowns as a hello has injured my left ribcage and I no longer have a femur. Thank you anti, you actually make my day with the daily "quack!!"

    qrtrx4 (twoeighths) - The only interactions we ever have is either me in area 51 in unoverforia or you seeing 35 attempted assassinations directed at me - you're actually awesome tho

    You! - people find you annoying but you're wise and nice to be around

    FrutiKitty - Your admin application was never finished but you're active as all hell and aweome, don't let those google forms comments get to you

    isaac - TF Party was awesome and so was Mob Arena and you're the coolest admin ever

    emireri1498 - aweomer!!!!!!!!11

    Extremely, extremely honorable mention:

    volleo6144 - The smartest, coolest, most genuine and fun person to be around. You're genuinely the best volleo.

    Now I know most of these are not serious at all and mostly shitposts but I actually respect every one of you and have remembered mostly positive interactions.

    But now we can finally say the raids have finally stopped

    1. Username, UUID, IP(s), and short ban reason for each offender. Format as follows:


    2. What did they do?

    They had first joined the server and spammed slurs, then after I banned them they decided to join hub-03 and then spam the nword. Thankfully he got a 1 week ban from there too.

    Before all of that, he's always been a serial troll and has never been pleasant to be around.

    3. What indefinitely bannable offense does this fall under according to the guidance for sanctions?

    Rule 1 and rule 3.

    4. Add logs and/or screenshots of the occurrence here, and tag any witnessing staff. Evidence of previous offenses that are not the direct cause of this request can also be added here.

    Unfortunately Luke or someone else deleted his messages in hub-03 so I can't get that anymore. Though, I could find his messages in fr-01.


    5. Are they known under any other names or IPs, and if so, are they currently (indefinitely) banned under those names and IPs? This information is used to keep track of ban bypassers. No and no.

    6. Duration of the ban (Set a duration that reflects the severity of the offence.)

    3 or 4 months should do well.

    Today he joined, spammed slurs in hub, kept bickering 97 to unblock his commands (yes I was on to witness all of this) and could not stop annoying players when told to. Everyone then turned to his side and fed the troll and he was a gigantic pain in the ass.

    Absolute gigantic vouch.

    Object, revoking rec (god i've done this so much times) - Luke has showed a very good point on that last breakdown on a detail that should not be cried or "hoooolyy FUCKING shit the freedom01 locks will NEVERRR stop" over. That was a very immature overreaction and I don't think I can trust someone like that with a very powerful and demanding role.

    1. Username, UUID, IP(s), and short ban reason for each offender. Format as follows:


        uuid: '60c36582-6a50-4bb8-b398-7bf60c2aec67'    
        reason: 'Indecent behavior with a minor. Don't joke about that shit. An LBR is on your way.'  

    2. What did they do?

    mel0o had questioned what the stacking potato did, I responded and said "you can make animals ride you and you could also ride animals its weird". mel0o then "jokingly" said "i like riding animals ;)" and then /ride'd aero, and said "I like riding you aero ;)", probably knowing they were a minor. This is unacceptable to aero and the rules as well.

    3. What indefinitely bannable offense does this fall under according to the guidance for sanctions?

    Rule 1, rule 3, and rule 7.

    4. Add logs and/or screenshots of the occurrence here, and tag any witnessing staff. Evidence of previous offenses that are not the direct cause of this request can also be added here.

    DMs with aero expressing their concern:


    When mel0o said the very creepy shit:


    mel0o right-clicked aero and then said this:


    5. Are they known under any other names or IPs, and if so, are they currently (indefinitely) banned under those names and IPs? This information is used to keep track of ban bypassers.

    They are also known under 'Vetekwabn', an alt they joined under.

    6. Duration of the ban (Set a duration that reflects the severity of the offence.)

    I believe 6 months or maybe even a year is good for this because they've been perm'd before.

    thank you, it's currently like 3 am so i could Not bother dealing with accurately answering

    [...] you always ignore admins, mess with ops and are overall a pain in the ass. you even spam cmdspy with your "fake" credit card shit and with weird transactions, which when i told you to stop you continued - ban was deserved.

    1) What is wrong with /ignoring the admins? What if the admin is annoying to the user?
    2) What OPs did he mess with?
    3) You could just disable CMDSPY, no? I am pretty sure you had a Discord channel for the same purpose as CMDSPY.

    Object, generally a low quality player and CLEARLY a money mule for Seal Society.

    1) A player is not required to be "high-quality".
    2) HOW clearly? Do you have evidence that suggests this theory or proves it?

    "just disable cmdspy! omagad!!!" I'm sorry but do you think your command spam is my problem? we don't have a channel for that and even if we DID, it'd be WAY more convenient for in-game cmdspy.

    he trolled a lot of people, and is just basically known to be a serial troll

    the admins he "rightfully ignored" were telling him to stop trolling (proves my other point) and was only ignoring them to spite them and get a reaction.

    [removed the pictures due to alco already including them]