Terrible Swastika Hall of Shame

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • It's that time again! Here's the latest submission by a very ingenious player. It's so terrible that I can't even figure out what to call it. None of the ends are the same length and it isn't even built correctly. It's such an asymmetric clusterfuck that I don't know how to describe it properly.

    How??? 2.0


  •   Alco_Rs11

    I'd also like to say that, like "Shorty Chub Chub", this swastika was deemed so bad that he wasn't sanctioned for building it due to how little it resembled a swastika.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  • Once again, it's that time again. Today, I have been informed of some candidates for admission into the Terrible Swastika Hall of Shame! As always, the creator never gets it right; these two were made facing the wrong direction.


    The Terrible Two


  • Well, as always, there's never a dull moment when I'm informed that someone has entries for the Hall of shame! Today, there are 5 new submissions worthy of highlighting in the list due to their incredible terribleness. What's even funnier is that all 5 of these were built in very close proximity to each other as if the creator was trying very hard to get it right. 5 attempts and they still managed to fuck up every time.

    The Egghead

    The swastika is backward and the best part is the 'circle' is more 'egg-shaped' than circular.

    The Hooker

    The top right of this obviously backward swastika has a hook, likely to draw the attention in of any onlooker to see how terrible it is.

    The Ninja Star

    Holy hell..., this one's the worst out of the bunch, especially since it doesn't even have the proper 'form' of a swastika. It looks like what could be described as a defective ninja throwing star instead of a swastika.

    The Giraffe

    This one earned its name because of its form. The top is taller, much like how a giraffe has a tall neck. It is also too wide and has an asymmetric bottom. How do you manage to fuck it up so badly?

    Almost right, but still no dice.

    This one is the closest the creator has made to creating a proper swastika. The problem: they still managed to fuck it up by building it facing entirely the wrong direction.


  • Quote

      Alco_Rs11 The Ninja Star
    Holy hell…, this one’s the worst out of the bunch, especially since it doesn’t even have the proper ‘form’ of a swastika. It looks like what could be described as a defective ninja throwing star instead of a swastika.

    This one is fucking hilarious

  • Well, I got to bump this once again. More inductees into the Terrible Swastika Hall of Shame!

    The Amputee

    This one, to start is missing the top right. I guess the creator was thwarted before he could get a chance to finish. Coreprotect indicates no proof of the top right ever existing. Oh, and to add insult to injury, it's also built facing backward.

    The Widebody

    It seems the average troll can never get it right. This one is built way too wide. They were close to getting the proportions right, but it seems simple concepts of symmetry passed right over their minds. Well, at least its built facing the right way...


  • This is possibly one of the worst swastikas I've come across. It's so bad that I'm not sure if it even qualifies... The top right of this thing along with just about everything regarding symmetry and proportions are all out of line.

    Meet the newest addition to the Hall of Shame.

    The Marathon Runner



  • It's been quite a while since we've had some swastikas, but while I was cleaning up a blighted area, I caught wind of a building that some ingenious player at one point affixed the gem you are about to see below. Whoever built it clearly was trying to make a nazi flag but failed to include the white circle that surrounds it. They at least built the swastika itself correctly which is surprising. It's also worth noting there are 4 of these on the build as well.

    This entry is known as...

    The Sugar-Free Swastika


  • Hidden in the depths of the Minecraft Forum archives (in an old thread by Mark) lies the first ever documented instance of a swastika on the server. In fact, it is one of the earliest known screenshots of the server period, which gives it historical significance. With that said, I present to you...

    The Big Bang

