Make the DM Advertising rules not so harsh

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  • I was banned yesterday as you know for discord advertising, as of now since i’ve been unbanned i was going to make this post.

    literally with the current rule i could send a picture of anyone sending me a link to a discord server and they’d be banned immediately, no questions asked, no context required, no warnings, no awareness of the rule needed for them, and no investigations.

    like legit here’s a picture of noah sending me a link to a discord and i could get him banned instantly falsely

    like i think it should be

    1st offense - Warning
    2nd offense - 24h mute
    3rd offense - ban

    like it doesn’t make any sense to have the rule as insanely tight as it is when there are far worse things people can do in discord.

  • @simplynick#13138 You can't advertise your own discord server on another discord server indirectly (via DM) according to Discord's ToS?

    "You may use the Service to send messages to other users of the Service. You agree that your use of the Service will not include sending unsolicited marketing messages or broadcasts (i.e., spam)."

    I doubt Discord would ban a user for DM'ing their Discord server to another. As far as I can tell, the act of simply DM'ing another user your Discord server unwarranted is not against the ToS; but if you then continue to spam and harass the user, then you're in the red.

  • The problem with this policy is that my guild's owner could have been banned for giving me the link to the guild's discord, even if it was relevant to the conversation we've had.

    Imho there should be proof that the message was unsolicited before hitting with the ban hammer.

    TotalFreedom's Executive Community & Marketing Manager

  • @simplynick#13138 We are required to enforce Discord's Terms of Service on our server, not off it. Making sure that someone who happens to be a member of our server does not violate the Terms of Service in their DMs is not our responsibility.

  • @StevenNL2000#13172 that shouldn’t make us go with guilty until proven innocent

    like i could legit get anyone in the discord banned for me advertising with incredibly easily forged evidence, and simple lack of context.

    like if we’re gonna enforce a rule it shouldn’t be unjustly strict that people have to go through a strenuous appeal process trying to prove they didn’t do something that was not even proven they did in the first place.

    there was not a millisecond of thought when i got banned if it was a correct decision or not, it was instantaneous.

    and i also want to point out following that rule in the TOS doesn’t obligate us to hand out bans, you can give warnings and other punishments first.

    it’s just a stupid situation i want nobody to have to go through again

  • @UnderTails#13183 If it's against ToS then it's a no-go.

    It should be guilty until proven innocent as that's how discord acts on behalf of their ToS. They limit access and then expect you to justify your innocence. The same course of action should be applied here

  • @Shdwo#13184 i’m not saying we should make it allowed, i’m saying we shouldn’t have such intense rules that it’s an instant ban.

    like we should have a warning or 2 before a ban.

    the ToS doesnt obligate you to ban people immediately, it just needs to be not allowed.

    meaning we should make there warnings first atleast.

  • @UnderTails#13186 For people to be DM advertising via the server, they would've had to read the rules. Continuing to DM advertise after clearly reading these rules makes their intentions clear.

    I'm confused on what you're saying, you use the example of someone DM advertising out of context and that being used against them.. but if they're not guilty, surely they can just prove their innocence and get over with it?

  • I would like to mention that there is a rule about DM advertising on the discord server.


    f: Advertising for what may be perceived as attempting to draw players away from the server or its communities. Links to common sites such as YouTube / The Forums etc for example are acceptable. IP Addresses, Server hostnames, Discord invite links and similar content will be treated as a violation of this rule regardless of if the content posted is or is not real and live, we will tread it as such.

  • This is a garbage time to be making this suggestion, because it's pretty clear you are just having frustrations with your Discord ban, making it very likely that the suggestion is biased. Is it really that hard to just ask people permission before sending them invite links so this isn't an issue? We can't just bend the ToS to fit your needs, regardless of whether the rule is included in our Discord server or not. Object.

  • @Panther#13195 this suggestion is absolutely biased i’m not trying to hide that

    now that i’ve been unbanned i just want nobody to have to go through that and i think there should be more investigation and a full context needed

    it shouldn’t be you can just get anyone banned by sending an image of a server link sent by them

  • @UnderTails#13217 However, if the person that was just framed was innocent anyway, they can just go ahead and prove their innocence to get unbanned. You could even go as far as saying that the individual who framed this person receives fair sanction.