You are not funny; slow down on the shitposts

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • Every time I load this forum, I expect the top posts to be some form of intelligent conversation. Examples include a suggestion to change something in-game, casual server politics, or even a heated debate between a former developer and a former executive in regards to real life politics. Threads like these were common back in the day, and really helped keep the server productive.

    It appears that as time has gone by, people have taken the name of the "Spam and Drama" board a bit too seriously, and have created unfunny threads containing emoji spam, first world problems, incorrect conspiracy theories, jokes that are on par with modern Nickelodeon sitcoms, and more as a result. While there are many true gems in that board (take the Nathaniel megathread for example), the inbalance of quantity over quality is thoroughly apparent.

    Frankly, I've gotten sick of these low-quality threads. Today I'm here to remind you that this forum is not your personal toilet. If you want to be a clown and make bad jokes, do it in #spam on the Discord server. Otherwise, shut the fuck up and do something productive instead.



  • This thread is a good example of this

    (To be fair, it would be good to include this as a forum policy or simply change the name "Spam and drama". ATM, a thread containing a single letter could be argued to be allowed in S&D considering the policy only says "Power-posting. Over-posting or Posting empty, nonsensical, or useless threads/posts. Such posts are subject to be moved to the Spam & Drama category or deleted.")

    Edit: I wasn't aware of the lack of sinking S&D threads

  • i sorta want to shitpost now out of spite, but my idea pump is drier then a desert.


    !needless to say the reason why S&D posts are getting annoying is because of the fact that they dont sink like they used to

    assrix, assryx, asterisk, *

    awesomeist tf blokey

  • @square#11249 I can’t contain myself. If I see an application for owner in public I have to quickly throw and break my phone as to resist the urge to laugh. The ones that especially get me are the "application for founder" ones. Truly the peak of comedy, nothing like it. I recall one time I was at a funeral and I was checking the totalfreedom forum and I saw an application for owner (by an operator) and I became hysterical. People were giving me weird looks and I told them it was because an operator made an application for owner but they clearly didn’t understand the joke. I quickly reminded myself that they are obviously not as intellectual as myself, whom understands the comedic value of applying for founder

  • Holy shit looks like someone got into an argument with their Mom and took it out on a Minecraft server forum

  • Honestly I wont lie here, i totally see where you are coming from, so hopefully whenever we figure out that new forum implementation stuff ryan has been talking about it will have something so that way the recent posts aren't just flooded with spam and drama stuff

  • I don't see an issue if people aren't going too overboard with it (such as several owner applications and such which get old after a while ngl). [sorry for my bad TotalFreedom Lizzo lyrics]

    Edit: by going overboard, I'm mainly talking about half of the newest posts being S&D threads.

  • @Tozzit#11279 i expect arguments and threads about how FUCKED UP the world we live in is. Have you ever thought about the ever decreasing amount of ice found in that ice continent whats it called antartica?

  • Quote

    @videogamesm12#11242 Frankly, I've gotten sick of these low-quality threads. Today I'm here to remind you that this forum is not your personal toilet.

    this sentence made me laugh very hard!! xDDD. 10/10 👏 👏

    But yeah, i agree. people need to chill out with S&D a little