Araki might actually be Nathaniel?

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  • ok bear with me.

    Araki seems to be Nathan.
    Now, my evidence is a bit weird but listen to the following:
    1 or 2 days ago, Nathan's appeal got rejected again. After that happened, Araki started getting increasingly mad.

    Araki was banned. They tried to join back before the ban was up though. Araki then discovered that there was a bug where if a server restarted, the banlist would be wiped. Araki, after 3(ish) hours of bypassing got banned again. One of the times they got banned, a couple Nathan bots appeared on the forums, spamming death threats about 10-20 minutes after Araki's ban. Also, the server started being crashed and lagged more often, which I will touch on more later.

    Fast forward to today, and multiple accounts attempted crashing the server, and Araki rejoined later, and got banned fast. Server then crashed again and Araki MAGICALLY just popped on the server afterwards.

    Then, Araki started talking about a "Andy Sixx Raid", which a couple of hours ago, just became a topic spammed by bots, literally a day after the Nathan Bots ran rampant.

    Still not convinced?

    Well, the fact that crashes started happening more frequently AFTER araki started bypassing with the restart-unban bug, could possibly mean Araki is chucking alts into the server to crash it.

    Even if i'm barking up the wrong tree and Araki is not actually Nathaniel, they should still be permabanned lol. (Serial bypassing, violation of 3c, attempts to dodge punishment from 3c, and also serial minor grief, and possibly server crashing.)

    thank you for coming to my TED talk, if im wrong please don't dogpile me into oblivion lol

  • Araki is definitely not Nathaniel. She just rages when someone pisses her off, and I keep telling people to stop pissing her off otherwise they will get sanctioned too for instigating drama.

    I don't know who you are. I think you're Nathaniel.

  • @Ashaz#9255 Problem is, sometimes she pisses off other people causing major problems such as the case with Wade yesterday.

    I was in a VC with him, explained the whole situation and reviewed logs, and I believe she overreacts alot.

    She also have a thing for reporting people out of nowhere, one being reported for copyright(?), I dont know what her deal is.

  • I dont think they're the same person, however they do have many similarities shared between them, and possibly the same intentions. Imo they're just piss annoying and have false-reported me about 5 times now for reasons that are either untrue, or shouldn't be counted as real reports.