Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • Object, Epsilon is cooler. Don't go down the lazy path.

    epsilon requires a long wait time and if someone else gets epsilon to build it will take even longer

    also it takes up chunks

    also if we think about not going down the lazy path then you should also not do epsilon and that would also mean removing world edit

    codium multimatter redanium sporres

  • I’ll vouch, but only if we implement it differently, I’m sorry developers but if we want something like this we might have to copy paste some code from the http schematic uploader tool, for those who don’t know this is a thing which only admins and MBs can access which allows them to upload whatever schematics they want. I think this should also be done with maps, should we chose to implement this, as undoubtedly having anybody on the server be able to upload whatever image they want to the server will lead to a lot of problems (e.g. uploading porn, very very large images, and prob some other stuff I’m not thinking about)

  • Tbh vouch for something like this, provided it's limited.

    The current system comes with long wait times as someone could in theory clog the whole epsilon queue and as it places blocks by hand you'd be waiting for hours to get a chance.

    I've concerns about how this could potentially be abused though but I wouldn't mind something like this in theory.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  • epsilon requires a long wait time

    Instant gratification isn't fun.

    also it takes up chunks

    Eh... true, can't argue against that.

    also if we think about not going down the lazy path then you should also not do epsilon and that would also mean removing world edit

    Please think before you type. Queueing up an image to be manually built by a bot, or using commands to edit in blocks are nowhere near as lazy as just adding in entire maparts with a single command.

    "Dude, my screen is completely purple, I see Barney and I still die" - ExtesyyTV, 2022

  • The plugin doesn't work properly on versions newer than 1.17.1, and an update for it hasn't been released since January 2022. There are also reports of it causing the server performance to deteriorate for whatever reason. We intend to update to a version newer than 1.17.1 in the near future, so that's gonna be a problem.