Do these images give you PTSD?

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • @'r00t'




    Why do you all have such an unbridled hatred of this person because they made a post that has some photos of what they made on the server? You’re throwing punches at somebody that’s younger than you and definitely less mature. This is why there are people who “troll” or think lowly of this place, because of the toxic nature of some threads here and I have no doubt you will defend your replies if my post even gets published.

  • Quote

      resident_user Why do you all have such an unbridled hatred of this person

    hatred is a strong word. akefu is not someone i hate because that means i'd have to take time to do that and he's really not worth the time


      resident_user because they made a post that has some photos of what they made on the server?

    because he posted a build thinking everyone knew what it was when literally nobody here seems to other than him, i asked if it was an esotalk inside joke


      resident_user You’re throwing punches at somebody that’s younger than you and definitely less mature

    lol what i asked if it was an esotalk joke how am i throwing punches


      resident_user This is why there are people who “troll” or think lowly of this place, because of the toxic nature of some threads here and I have no doubt you will defend your replies if my post even gets published.

    i'm defending my reply here because all i said was an esotalk joke. i do actually understand what you mean with the other comments, some of that shit is just downright rude lol


  •   resident_user I don't hate this person, we've had some nice convos in the past although we don't talk that much.

    I just said that it gave me a nostalgia trip back to my edgier days. Sure it was a bit of a jab, but I had no ill will behind it. It's an extreme overreaction to accuse me of having an "unbridled hatred" and "throwing punches".


      resident_user I have no doubt you will defend your replies if my post even gets published.

    Yes.. because I disagree with your accusation. I made a light-hearted comment on a light-hearted post.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  •   erin “I don’t hate this person, we’ve had some nice convos in the past although we don’t talk that much.”

    In other words you are passive-aggressive and will take any opportunity to “have a jab.” I’m just making my point that in many cases it’s the admins who do the trolling and not the players.

    Some people act like this on the server even more often and it is disheartening. People are already becoming insufferable in real life which is why it benefits nobody to do the same thing online.

  •   resident_user

    Calling something boring isn't unbridled hatred towards the person who posted it.
    What erin said is not unbridled hatred towards Akefu.
    Asking if something is an esotalk joke is not unbridled hatred.
    Sure, calling someone irrelevant is a tad rude, but it's not unbridled hatred like you say it is.

    Also, Saying "I don't hate this person, we've had some nice convos in the past although we don't talk that much." implies nothing about passive-aggressiveness, or taking any opportunity to have a jab.

    Absolutely none of this is trolling, Post #1 you replied to was just someone expressing their opinion, Posts #2 and #3 are absolutely not trolling in any way shape or form, and Post #4 (Simply calling someone irrelevant) could be considered trolling, however trolling, by definition from the almighty google, requires a matter of intent. There is obviously no intention to elicit a reaction from akefu by charge, as if they wanted to elicit a reaction, they would've used inflammatory insults, or similar. Also, Trolling would be more severe than 1 message containing the text "you are irrelevant", it is for such reasons that i do not believe that anyone has committed the act of trolling.

    As a disclaimer, i am not saying that all messages were appropriate to be coming from members of the totalfreedom administration staff.

    Endermatter Cat-Person with wings and Magic who follows the Cat Religion.

    "Never Surrender."

  •   Zarcana The substance of my post really went over your head with this one. My point is that when a gang of admins converge on a player’s collage in order to laugh at him, there is clearly that unbridled hatred I’m talking about. Did I imply that each of you dream of this guy in your sleep? No, I seriously doubt that but it’s always possible.

    The rest of your reply just strikes me as an attempt to argue over nothing. The person who said “I don’t hate this person, we’ve had some nice convos in the past although we don’t talk that much” also said they were having a jab at that same person.

    Why would you even bother drumming up that last paragraph when you admit to some of the posts being inappropriate, “could be considered trolling” and such…

    “There is obviously no intention to elicit a reaction from Akefu.”

    I don’t believe this for a second, by the way.