tf is in a bad state

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • if we look at tf its more corperate than ever this needs to stop we need to find a way to stop this from happening there may be one option left but i dont want to say it

    codium multimatter redanium sporres

  • ah boy i decided to go onto my laptop to type this

    alright so what you're saying is: after having 4 owners already, 2 of which went AWOL, you want another new owner because of a policy you don't agree with regarding the Discord?

    Did we learn absolutely nothing from Seth? Is this serious? Are you seriously saying we need to replace the dude who spends hundreds per year and tons of time on this again because its "too corporatised"?

    Look, I agree, there is too much corporotisation of the server, but this is what we fully knew when Ryan submitted his owner application because he didn't even hide it then. Yes, I also disagree with the new rules regarding Discord but at the same time I don't think we should be going at Ryan for this, because he's just a dude whos doing his job and is protecting what he sees as the best interest of the server in regards to not getting it absolutely nuked by Discord. Sure, it may be wrong in our own opinions but we also need to look at it from his perspective instead of blindly just shouting our own view. Do you guys genuinely think Ryan wants to do this? Do you think he woke up the other morning and went "Yeah I'm gonna get ID off a child because I hate kids"? After all the backlash, do you think he went "YEs I want to do this even more"?

    Regardless, we shouldn't be couping and we shouldn't be suggesting new owners or whatever because I can guarantee whoever the next owner will be will also not be "good" to the majority of the community cuz yall are more bipolar than my ex

    Plus, who exactly is going to replace him...? The majority of the admin team are teenagers and the older ones probably won't want to do it..


  • @"matscalle"#342

    I'm just gonna say now - Keep doing stuff like this and we will have a repeat of the Seth situation. I'm not gonna mute or ban or whatever to stop you, because it's not my place to do so, but you're gonna cause a massive fucking shitstorm if you actually try anything


  • I've floated the idea of an actual foundation / non profit association running TotalFreedom. The main issue remains, funding the current infrastructure.

    TotalFreedom's Executive Community & Marketing Manager

  •   matscalle again, the system of having paid ranks for anything goes against the intrinsic purpose of the server. That was already explained in the suggestion thread.


      Luke I don’t think we should be going at Ryan for this, because he’s just a dude whos doing his job and is protecting what he sees as the best interest of the server in regards to not getting it absolutely nuked by Discord

    I think this is what a lot of people are missing. Ryan isn't doing this because he hates us, he's doing it because he doesn't want the entire discord to get deleted. Sure, it's strict, but he's erring on the side of caution to make sure we don't give discord a reason to do anything.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  •   matscalle

    I’m sorry if I sound blunt here.

    You’ve been told already that that paid ranks aren’t suitable for our server. We don’t need them, it will damage the community and our server as a whole.

    Please, for your own benefit, consider what people are saying and think before impulsively posting a suggestion and thread.