Indefinite Ban Request - billy7oblos

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  • from the little i've read and from what i've seen from this guys logic, i can go and shit in my neighbours garden but i wont get punished because they were never meant to see me take a shit

    i still shitted on someones property, i dont expect them to be fine with it


    assrix, assryx, asterisk, *

    awesomeist tf blokey

  •   videogamesm12
    why don't you check in the chunks near my plot? (for builds)


      videogamesm12 any damage the exploit would have done

    because no matter what you think, there was no way i could have thought that the exploit would reset that portal in the middle


      lyicx i still shitted on someones property, i dont expect them to be fine with it

    for like the 6th time, no ones plot was changed

  • @'billy7oblos' The point I was trying to make was that through this exploit, you modified a plot that lacked CoreProtect data and didn't belong to you. This means that if there was anything in the space where the exploit took effect, we don't have a means of restoring or even knowing what was there.


  • @'billy7oblos' Alright, so when I'm investigating a user using an illegal item, I have to give myself away so they notice they're being watched and subsequently stop to avoid being caught. Your logic is laughably poor.
    You used an item that warrants an indefinite ban and you have to accept the consequences of using it regardless if anyone was around or not.


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    @'billy7oblos' for like the 6th time, no ones plot was changed

    i mean you still pulled down your pants and squatted down ready to take a giant shite. the gesture on some dudes land is not very polite. it would be some sort of indecency offense yknow

    imagine if i came in your back yard and prepping myself to have a shit in your back yard when you never asked and was never meant to see. you'd be a bit pissed off and weirded out someone is doing that even if i wasn't meant to see it i likely still will have to clean it up. like if i came in your server and started fucking around with shit that could entail any data loss or server instability without them knowing it wouldn't be appreciated. you see what im saying?

    assrix, assryx, asterisk, *

    awesomeist tf blokey

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    @'billy7oblos' stfu with your bullshit, its not against the server rules (because its not harming the server and i wouldn't have done it if i knew someone was near) the only thing it does it crash ME

    so your entire response is to double down on what you've already said, fucking lmao

  •   videogamesm12 i see how that would be sus, but im sure some of the other plots have cp data.
    im sure watched me use this exploit in empty space though? its (different, but) almost like saying anything i build is potentially a grif, because it might have broken something that was placed before coreprotect. i realize this is different, but so many mods have been to my plot, and im sure replay mod or something similar might be able to show the persons plot before this incident
    @"Ashaz"#12 you investigated my plot before with @"lyicx"#21. either of you wanna vouch that the plot with the nether portal did not have any builds in the chunks it shares with me


      lyicx you see what im saying?

    no, please burn my eyes more by telling me who tf is the neighbour in this metaphor?


      fleshly so your entire response is to double down on what you've already said, fucking lmao

    yea because i said "x is x" and you were like "well because x is y you deserve to be banned


      Miasmus yes. yes he can.


  •   Miasmus yea but i did not know he was there, voila ?
    so again, explain how he can blame me for crashing him?


      lyicx i mean you still pulled down your pants and squatted down ready to take a giant shite. the gesture on some dudes land is not very polite. it would be some sort of indecency offense yknow

    a better metaphor would be me in my bathroom, then someone comes into the toilet the pipes somehow (somehow)

  • look, using ANY form of malicious exploit is indef-bannable.
    thats the truth here.
    doesn't matter if you didn't know they were there.
    doesn't matter if you didn't intend to crash them.
    please stop dragging this nearly 100 post long thread out.
    its a fucking indef ban request it shouldn't have this many posts.

    Endermatter Cat-Person with wings and Magic who follows the Cat Religion.

    "Never Surrender."

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    @'billy7oblos' yea but i did not know he was there

    "your honor, it is true i shot a gun wildly without looking and killed someone, HOWEVER! i did not know he was there and did not mean to kill him"
    also, like zarc said, 1g doesnt mention intent or if you knew he was there. its still punishable

  • honestly, you not seeing anyone around you shouldn't matter.

    the fact that you were knowingly using an exploit that can crash people (and in this case, did crash someone) still puts you at fault. you cannot put the blame on others for being around you and crashing when you are the one using the exploit that crashes people around you.


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    @'billy7oblos' yea but i did not know he was there, voila ?

    The logic is the same as having an undercover cop monitor a suspect. So the cop should make himself known that he's a cop while trying to catch the suspect commit a crime during an ongoing investigation. The suspect will then try and flee to skirt punishment knowing a cop is watching him. The same logic is applied to this situation. I'm in vanish watching you because I caught you using an exploit. If you saw me, you'd obviously stop so you don't get banned.

    The sheer amount of mental gymnastics you're pulling to get out of a fair and just ban is quite insane at this point.


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    @'billy7oblos' no, please burn my eyes more by telling me who tf is the neighbour in this metaphor?

    the neighbour can be whoever but in this case it was ryan as he runs and hosts the server and you essentially were trying to taking a shit on his premises. he is not the type of guy who likes shit on his lawn when he isn't looking or asked for it


    @'billy7oblos' a better metaphor would be me in my bathroom, then someone comes into the toilet the pipes somehow (somehow)

    vro i mean i guess thats a decent metaphor too, i would not like anyone to fuck anything to my plumbing especially of that nature even lmao

    assrix, assryx, asterisk, *

    awesomeist tf blokey

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    @'billy7oblos' explain how he can blame me for crashing him?

    Look, YOU were fucking around with crash exploits, which falls under 1g
    THEY were doing THEIR job and tpo'ing to people as to see if anyone's doing stupid shit, the repeated disconnect/reconnecting was a sign of you doing stupid shit, or you being in a crash chunk, so they tpo'd to you, and got crashed/kicked because of this, which falls under 1g aswell. Thus constituting this IBR.

    TLDR: You were fucking around with crash exploits, an admin tried to do their job, and got crashed because you were fucking around with the crash exploits, which you shouldnt've even been doing in the first place.
    Please stop this mental gymnastics and accept your fucking punishment.

    Endermatter Cat-Person with wings and Magic who follows the Cat Religion.

    "Never Surrender."