RE: Video’s suspension

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • ah man people on this thread would've loved Infamas and Zaid. if they think this is 'hiding' intent or whatever then they'd love those two

    Anyway the EMM has nothing to do with suspensions. Red likely reported it, in the same way I can report things and you can report things, doesn't really mean shit. Just because he's an exec doesn't mean he makes these decisions; this isn't Seth's exec team

    yall need to chill


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    You knew what you were doing was wrong.

    I made it quite clear that cheating and exploiting was not allowed, and you knew it wasn't. You continued to cheat and hack even after you had been sanctioned by myself for it. I initially told you to stop cheating, and you ignored me. I then smited you for cheating, which you once again ignored.
    On top of this actual sanction, I told you numerous times not to cheat, and that it was against the rules. You ignored me and continued anyways.

    True. From the point you told me to stop using hacks, I just started doing it merely to mess with you.


      RedEastWood By cheating, you are breaking skyblock rules. I (as the owner) explicitly told you that cheating was against the rules

    Now, to be fair, "cheating" means to act dishonestly or unfairly to gain an advantage. I was just using a hacked client to mess with you, which has no advantages whatsoever. Also, the rules you're referring to said this at the time, which doesn't say you can't use hacks.



    "I was doing this to prove a point"

    Point blank, you weren't, and this time it isn't my word vs your word, its your word vs your word. You were doing this "for the lulz" and to take the piss.

    It was a multitude of reasons, which included taking the piss and proving a point. I've said this already.


      videogamesm12 To prove a point about why being a cracked server is a bad idea and to have a quick laugh


      RedEastWood I don't understand why you felt this was at all appropriate, considering this is a TF server - would you do shit like this on the FR01 server "for the lulz"?

    No, because...

    1. I don't want to do it on the freedom server

    2. There is no reason to do it on the freedom server

    3. The gameplay for the freedom and skyblock gamemodes are completely different in such a way that people wouldn't give a fuck if someone did it on the freedom server

    4. I wouldn't be able to considering the freedom servers are in online mode


      RedEastWood The only point you have against me was the fact that you weren't banned on all of the accounts. To be fair, I did confuse me smiting you with me banning you since it was so long ago, but I do apologise for claiming that I banned your accounts. But your entire defence is only about that one slip-up on my end. You haven't defended yourself on why you shouldn't be suspended, and rightfully so since this suspension was fully justified (something you claim yourself)

    The reply was intended to defend myself from the claims that I was "attacking" the server, which many read thinking I did something horrid as DDoSing or spambotting the server when in reality it was much more petty than that.


      RedEastWood The end point here is essentially that you broke server rules, ignored the owner telling you to not do something, logged in with a load of alts and hacked simply to annoy the owner (as is self admitted), and you fully deserve this suspension. It isn't even that long, it's just seven days.

    I never said I shouldn't be suspended. With that being said, there is something which nobody seems to be pointing out. Why have I been suspended now and not back then? What's with the long delay between the night of the incident and the suspension itself? If my actions were not severe enough to warrant immediate or close-to-immediate action, then what's the point of taking action at all?


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      videogamesm12 I never said I shouldn't be suspended. With that being said, there is something which nobody seems to be pointing out. Why have I been suspended now and not back then? What's with the long delay between the night of the incident and the suspension itself? If my actions were not severe enough to warrant immediate or close-to-immediate action, then what's the point of taking action at all?

    Again, this is not my fucking business. I reported you on the day it happened. If you have an issue with how this suspension was handled, please ask Elmon about it and leave me alone.


      videogamesm12 Now, to be fair, "cheating" means to act dishonestly or unfairly to gain an advantage. I was just using a hacked client to mess with you, which has no advantages whatsoever. Also, the rules you're referring to said this at the time, which doesn't say you can't use hacks.

    This point is moot because as the owner I explicitly told you cheating was not allowed.

    As far as I'm concerned this little tango between me and you is over, if you have questions about the suspension please direct them towards Elmon and not me.