Weather stations?

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  • So basically there are literally no weather stations near me. The things that detect weather and all the fancy stuff. The nearest one is over 20 miles away and the weather is literally always inaccurate. It can be pouring rain out and the weather apps are like "hmm light precipitation in 22 minutes". so i'd like to buy something that could give much more accurate details in real time (and not sure if this is possible without spending 69 million dollars) but predict the weather to an extent in my area as well

    so i wanna buy a weather station or weather analyzer or whatever you call it. ideally, something that could be used to send data to a public database as well so it benefits others not just us. and i'd like to be able to see it from an app not just a screen. i dont know what to buy / if that's even possible. any advice on what i'd need or if it's simply not worth it?

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  • I'm no expert but I don't think it's possible to set up your own weather station without a fuck ton of knowledge about what's going on and/or an amount of money ending with "million" to your name.

    You are asking a load of teenagers on a Minecraft server about buying and running a weather station, just saying.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  •   erin i don't wanna setup a multinational station serving the entire US. i just want to know if its possible to buy something to contribute to weather companies who already have millions in the bank but can't install a station anywhere near my area

  • Weather forecasting works by analyzing a whole bunch of shit, like, atmosphere pressure, winds, humidity, temperature, and other stuff I probably don't know about, and then using this data trying to try and guess what comes next. So I guess it'd be a pretty expensive thing to set up and get working

    A fool's fool fools fools who foolishly accept the foolishness of a fool's fool.

  •   Telesphoreo predicting the weather isn't easy - it's a job you require a degree for. It's a literal profession that one gets paid rather handsomely for to work full time in.

    You can't just jump into this because your forecast is slightly wrong, this is something people basically dedicate their lives to.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  •   erin right but what I'm saying is, is it possible to buy something as another data point for weather analysis, whether it's a computer or human. i mean, they have to have devices that can measure stuff and I'm mainly curious if I can add another data point for them to do so. The weather around my area specifically tends to be wrong. There's simply no coverage for over 20 miles. The weather around here is also volatile and if it's raining today there's every chance it could rain or couldn't tomorrow.

  • Here’s how it’s done in the UK.

    Firstly, we get the temperature, humidity, pressure and wind speed information. We then feed it into very powerful supercomputers and process the data to predict the weather.

  • It sounds like you're looking for an enthusiast-grade weather station. Just typing "weather station" into Amazon will give you plenty of those, but fair warning: the ones that actually have reasonable accuracy start at $150 and very quickly climb up to $300 or more.

  •   StevenNL2000 right so what I'm concerned about is if I can add it to a public database (PWSweather or something??). I would like it to be an additional data point so when the computers predict it it's more accurate in my area. I'm not concerned about it being perfect on day one, but if down the road once it knows the weather patterns, then that's what I'm looking for. I can spend $150 - $300. I saw a top rated list but the reviews said it was unreliable and broke or they had a dissatisfaction with the screen. I would want it to be wireless, that's a must.

  •   Telesphoreo I would guess that you probably can't, certainly not something that would be used on national weather type setups. As far as I'm aware at least here in the UK that's all privately owned and managed and there's 2 organisations that basically provide all the weather data for every broadcaster in the UK.

    I'd also imagine that this wouldn't actually help you predict the weather where you are, it might help people around you, but you're not interested in the weather where you are, you're interested in the weather around you and things like wind direction for example to predict weather?


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

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  • @'Ryan' I am interested in the weather where I am. I'm not in the UK, I'm in the US so things might be different.

    If the only thing a weather station will do is let me see the weather in current time and that's it, then it's not worth it for anyone. However if I could let it send data where I am about the weather using it, then that would massively be beneficial to everyone

  • wild1145 November 2, 2022 at 6:46 PM

    Selected a post as the best answer.