Ivan Apology Thread

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • hi,

    i was suspended on march 31st 2021 because i didn't care about administrating and i was making really insensitive jokes regarding homosexuals, race, and more. i was basically just trying to see how long it would take for me to get suspended. and i guess i got both what i wanted and what i deserved. to add, upon being an administrator, i kept saying i didn't care. that was 100% true. i just didn't find being an administrator happy. the way i went out was completely unacceptable, and even though i was an administrator, in reality i was working my way up to my senior admin rank back. and that was not the way a senior admin should have acted.

    so why am i making this thread? i've acknowledged my actions many times and regret it. i take full responsibility for it and it was not okay whatsoever. but TotalFreedom, when i didn't think it could get any better, seems to be growing again. there are updates constantly happening, and i have hopes for the future of Minecraft and want to be a part of this server again like i have for almost 9 years now. i have some time this summer and i want to return to administrating. i'm hoping to become an example senior admin again, like all senior admins should be; someone who admins can look up to for help and advice, and someone who operators can look up to, to aspire to become an administrator. feel free to ask any questions below about my suspension.

  • Before you were suspended, you stated that you were intentionally crossing the line to prove that admins get away with more than OPs. It's pretty clear to me that the fact that you didn't care about your admin rank contributed to that. However, that also means that this was not just a spontaneous misjudgement, which raises the question whether you would consider doing something like this again the next time you are bored.

  •   StevenNL2000


      StevenNL2000 you stated that you were intentionally crossing the line to prove that admins get away with more than OPs.

    Gonna be honest it was more so that I didn't care, but that was a factor too


      StevenNL2000 However, that also means that this was not just a spontaneous misjudgement, which raises the question whether you would consider doing something like this again the next time you are bored.

    After every suspension I guess there are a lot of "what ifs" that get raised. This is a question that can be answered in any way, however I feel as though if I say I wouldn't, I don't know how people would believe that if that makes any sense. All I can say to your statement is that it won't happen again - it was very immature and just stupid when I know it was against policy. I'm the one who got the Zero Tolerance additions in our policy added in the first place - I don't want to cause any more trouble