Chatbot application process

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  • Recently, a rise has begun in people making bots for the server with fun features and utility features alike! (me included.) however, i think it is very spammy. As you can see when someone currently does tf!l, like 5 bots shoot a response.

    I think an application process should happen to approve bots to prevent people from using scripts to be invasive and annoy others. This is better than outright banning bots because it encourages players to learn how to code which is always nice for people to learn : )

    How would it look like?
    I suggest something along these lines:

    Thanks to Maniaplay for introducing this idea to me.

  • Also: I think maybe people that run bots on their main should have a command like /imabot that when ran sets your rank to Bot for the rest of the session and players could perhaps use a command to hide all messages people with Bot rank post.

  • I'll bump this for further feedback.

    I think in reality the only thing we have any desire to track is the fact it is a bot, and who "owns" the bot if there are issues. I'm not really sure I want to strictly police this sort of thing unless it starts to become problematic not to.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • wild1145 November 1, 2022 at 8:37 PM

    Closed the thread.