Additions to /kit

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  • object, fuckin robots taking away jobs from hard working citizens (folfyhub)

    on a serious note, is it really worth the effort to figure out how it would work (as you said you arent sure if its even technically possible) when people can do /warp FolfyHub and get everything plus a lot more than whatever they could get using /kit?
    its one command and then ctrl+middle click, and folfyhub is already sorted into different groups based on item type, something that /kit does not have

    im neutral for now, id like to see if /kit would have any benefits over warping to an item storage plot like folfyhub and copying a shulker


  • The only thing that needs to be done to implement this suggestion is to unblock the /createkit command. In the past, there was an issue with kits that allowed players to crash the server with large amounts of data in a given kit by creating a kit with a nasty item and then using /showkit on it, which is why the command was blocked in the first place. The issue was reported to EssentialsX's developers at the time, but we should test to make sure that this issue has been resolved anyways.


      FromTimeToTime if this is approved i would like players to be able to preview kits before adding them, to avoid the chance of people blindly overflowing their inventory, requiring it to be cleared.

    The /showkit command does allow for this.


  • FS-437 raised on the dev board to first off check if the issue is resolved, and then to either patch it in our Fork of EssentialsX or to just un-block it if it is already patched.


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