Application for Reinstatement - Fautor

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
    1. Your Minecraft name: Fautor

    2. Are you using the same forum & Minecraft account that you used when you were a staff member in the past? (Yes or No). If no, state all former account names and be prepared to verify that you're not an imposter.

    No, my past username used to be XGreenPlayz12.

    1. What rank were you (Admin, Senior Admin) and the approx dates you were a staff member: (e.g. super admin from Jun 2010 - Jan 2013)

    My last position before I left TotalFreedom was Telnet Clanforge Admin on the approximate year 2016 or 2017.

    1. Why were you removed from your staff position? (Answer one below and exclude the rest)

    4c. I quit or resigned (Yes or No) If Yes, please post a link to your resignation thread (if available).

    My resignation thread was posted on the proboards forums.

    5. If you were removed just for long term inactivity or you resigned (yes to 4a or 4c above and no to 4b, d, e, and f), please skip to Q 6 otherwise you must answer this question: What current activities have you performed to merit reinstatement?
    a. Filed griefer reports on the forum
    b. Assisted new or existing players (explain how)
    c. Creative endeavors such as making promotional videos for TF (If Yes, give examples)
    d. Have assisted in TF development activities such as contributing to TFM (If Yes, give examples)
    e. Have assisted in improving policy or general moderation of the TF server or forum? (if Yes, give examples)
    f. Other (provide detailed explanation)

    1. If you are reinstated, how often will you be able to do staff duties?

    I will be able to do daily staff duties.

    1. Have you reviewed the server rules and banning protocols to ensure you're up to speed on any changes that might have occurred since your return from inactivity?


    1. Do you have a family member that's been on the perm ban list within the past 60 days? If yes, your request will be denied.


    Staff Response Instructions: You may vouch or object. However, unlike initial applications for admin and promotion applications, former staff who sincerely wish to overcome past mistakes will normally be given the benefit of the doubt and provided extra chances to succeed or fail. If you don't believe the applicant is sincere, object and state why (e.g. the applicant still has a bad attitude and causing trouble on the server). If the applicant was a former Senior, you may also vouch to reinstate at a lower level.

    Note: The acting Executive Admin Officer can place you under probationary status upon reinstatement under their discretion, however, they must have a valid reason (e.g reinstating then always going inactive). The Inactivity Policy for returning staff is no longer in effect, meaning former staff will be reinstated to the rank they had before losing status, with no restrictions.