Custom note plugin to replace books

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  • I have been having some trouble with the lack of being able to use books that have been signed, mainly and only because that when you attempt to read it; the book gets turned into the cookie as well as sending a message "Books are not allowed".

    This annoyed me, and I thought there should be a safer variant of books (while the books could be used to book-ban players if in bulk), in which then I came up with a solution: Notes.

    Notes are similar to books, but have a limit of space to put text in (limit: 200 chars), and once right-clicked with gets read to you with /tellraw in order to show you it's contents. You can edit a note with '/editnote' when you are holding paper, but if the note gets placed into other paper: the note will copy itself to that paper, OR if it is another note: it becomes a 50/50 of which note will overwrite the other (keep in mind that the note must have the same name as the paper/note you are attempting to stack together with). Notes will also have an enchanted glow much like readable books.

    Also, whoever first edits a paper into a note, their username is set onto the new note as the editor of it, and if another player edits that note afterwards; the note will be given the attribute: "co-edited".

    The purpose of Notes is that they will surpass books in a safe manor, the notes being safe because of the limited amount of text you can place in the notes.

  • As per the above comment, let's fix the root cause rather than spend effort trying to work around it. :)


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