Allow Ops to edit their own region

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • Well for about a month now the imperial base has been protected by a world guard region but one issue I’ve been having is I have no control over what goes on in my own region. I have to wait for admins to come online if I want to add people or edit my region in any way and it’s really been slowing down recruitment to my guild and causing problems so it would be nice if we just had to perms to do this.
    that’s all

  • I believe the intent of WorldGuard is not really to have OPs control claims. If it is, then we should stop using a roundabout solution and get rid of CoreProtect, install GriefPrevention, and say that griefing is allowed if the build is not claimed.

  • So regions aren't something that OP's generally will have anyway, it's intended as I see it more for things like spawn. If you want to be able to build and control access then head to the plots world. The region you reference here specifically is one that has caused a lot of issues due to it in reality protecting additional builds that are nothing to do with you which has caused a lot of issues... In short no, we won't allow OP's to manage their own regions, that's what the plots are designed to accommodate.


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