Reinstatement - awesomelink234

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • Alright look, I just haven't been in the mood to play Minecraft lately, what with me playing other games (Kingdom Hearts, and Pokémon BDSP that just came out). And I know that I oughta in order to prevent the server from shutting down, but cut me some slack here, will you? It's also why I've gone inactive in the past.

  • Quote

      awesomelink234 Alright look, I just haven’t been in the mood to play Minecraft lately, what with me playing other games (Kingdom Hearts, and Pokémon BDSP that just came out). And I know that I oughta in order to prevent the server from shutting down, but cut me some slack here, will you? It’s also why I’ve gone inactive in the past.

    then just keep playing those games and reinstate at a later date when you're actually planning on playing actively

  • I object.

    You reinstated believing the server you liked to play on was closing, so you might as well be an admin for the last few weeks. But those circumstances have changed, and you haven't committed yourself to the server.

    I think it's personally a bad idea for you to feel pressured to come online and administrate when you are clearly not up for playing the server. If you don't wanna play here, that's fine. You're playing other games and that's fine. Trust me, don't worry about us. Keep playing and enjoying those other games without feeling obliged to come here.

    Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

  • object.
    don't reinstate if you aren't planning on being on.

    as has already been pointed out, you've not even been on for half an hour in the last month, having only joined one time for the last 30 days.

    you're not really going to be cut slack given that you purely reinstated just because the server was initially being shut down and then made no real attempt to stay after that had been postponed, leading me believe that you were really only reinstating to have power one last time before the server went down for good.


  • Alright, I thought about it some more and I wish to withdraw this reinstatement. Honestly, to tell you the truth, I lost motivation to play on the server when my reinstatement didn't get processed for nearly a whole month. And no, that is not me being "hungry for power," but rather that I just wanted to help out around here like I used to, and not having my reinstatement processed for a long time killed my motivation for that. Oh well, maybe I'll reinstate again when I go on my next TF binge. But that's a story for another time. Farewell for now.