Permission Changes

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • While going through some of the TFM code I realized we have a lot of really wacky permisson things, so heres some suggestions I had for changes we could make to those

    1) making /cleardiscordqueue available to use by admins and not just seniors
    2) make /massmurder available for use by executives
    3) change /attributelist to be available to non ops (imposters and stuff)
    4) make all shop item commands like /grapplinghook, /fireball, /stackingpotato, etc. available to non ops
    5) give /forcekill to non ops
    6) make /health able to be used by ops
    7) maybe give ops ability to look at their own notes in /notes
    8) change /setlever to only be for admins and above
    9) give /sit to non ops

  • Quote

    @DragonSlayer2189#2310 2) make /massmurder available for use by executives

    What the fuck / why the fuck is this a command...?


    @DragonSlayer2189#2310 7) maybe give ops ability to look at their own notes in /notes

    Depending on what is stored in this I like the idea of it.


    @DragonSlayer2189#2310 3) change /attributelist to be available to non ops (imposters and stuff)

    What does this do? Never heard of it...


    RE Non-OP stuff, I would generally suggest that list of commands should be near zero, if people aren't OP'd on the server it's generally for good reason.

    Also worth noting Imposters used at least to have their own rank in TFM for these exact reasons, but not sure if that's still a thing or if Seth / someone else binned it.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • Quote

    @wild1145#2331 Depending on what is stored in this I like the idea of it.

    I don't think this is a great idea, it's not really used but it's intended for admins to set notes on OPs for other admins to see when OPs join. Something like "common rulebreaker"

  • @elmon#2333 I think as long as it doesn't include names of who added the notes, I don't think it's a bad idea for players to see what warnings / notes we've raised against them... That's just my 2 cent anyway.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • Quote

    @redeastwood#2340 Seth made the command. Its just /kill but you can kill multiple people/the whole server. Only he had access to it iirc

    Yeah... I've just seen it in Dragon's PR to fix gramma.

    I'll give you a hint, it's being deleted.

    I'll give you a hint… made it a pretty easy decision to delete it...


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK

  • Quote

    @DragonSlayer2189#2310 1) making /cleardiscordqueue available to use by admins and not just seniors

    Approved, FS-69 Raised


    @DragonSlayer2189#2310 2) make /massmurder available for use by executives

    Will be removed, FS-70 has been raised to remove it.


    @DragonSlayer2189#2310 3) change /attributelist to be available to non ops (imposters and stuff)
    @DragonSlayer2189#2310 4) make all shop item commands like /grapplinghook, /fireball, /stackingpotato, etc. available to non ops
    5) give /forcekill to non ops

    Declined, I don't see the value in this.


    @DragonSlayer2189#2310 6) make /health able to be used by ops

    Approved, FS-71 Raised.


    @DragonSlayer2189#2310 7) maybe give ops ability to look at their own notes in /notes

    I think I agree with elmon 's post earlier, not sure this is a great idea.


    @DragonSlayer2189#2310 8) change /setlever to only be for admins and above

    Don't really think this is necessary, if people abuse it they can be warned / banned...


    @DragonSlayer2189#2310 9) give /sit to non ops

    See earlier comment.

    Overall I'll mark this as approved subject to what I said above.


    Network Owner at TotalFreedom

    Managing Director at ATLAS Media Group Ltd.

    Founder & Owner at MastodonApp.UK