Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • yall need originality, screaming 'prison' or 'smp' aint gonna do it

    seriously this makes me irrationally angry that we gave red and wild so much shit for that and then we proceed to do this


  • im that mad im gonna double post

    yall fr just going 'a few tweaks' simply isn't enough. this entire idea clearly isn't thought out very well, and overlooks how popular SMP is as a gamemode. If someone wants a custom map they can literally just download one themselves. The NPC and quest thing would be far more complex than you realise, making the dialogue unique enough to the point where it retains players would most likely require a custom plugin which we don't have the time nor resources to provide

    ontop of that anarchy will make us seem like a full anarchy which will impact the free-op, if this is executed badly then it could have worse repercussions. if we introduced an anarchy and it succeeded then awesome, but if we introduced an anarchy and it failed we'd still likely be seen as an anarchy.

    a prison server is even worse. no. it's unoriginal. there really isn't much wiggle room for originality in prison either.


  • Given current downsizing circumstances and the issue of originality, I cannot see this being implemented anytime soon. Perhaps sometime in the future we can revisit such ideas, but that will most likely not be for a while.
