Post-migration, unmigrated players get a free replacement game license if they act fast

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • From

    My take:

    Fresh UUID:
    <3 A second chance anywhere you had a username or UUID ban

    <3 Throws off stalkers

    ;( You lose your skin history if you don't back it up first from NameMC

    ;( You lose progress, ranks, Mojang capes, pets, and access to any containers or features hardcoded to your UUID. A server like Hypixel won't help you regain anything you lost.

    Clean Name History:

    <3 Free prename

    <3 The name API is more lenient about requests sent by prename accounts

    <3 Another name day is distantly upon us

    <3 Circumvents Mojang's criteria for not removing certain names from your name history
    X/ If you sell accounts, accounts that had once had more than one name in their name history instantly become more valuable

    ;( If you liked your name, it will drop, but not for at least a few months

    <3 It's free for currently unmigrated Mojang->Microsoft accounts and there are no questions asked

    X/ Mojang won't offer support about this if you have problems, because it's related to migration, and migration is over

    ;( Unmigrated Minecraft->Mojang accounts cannot participate, only unmigrated Mojang->Microsoft accounts.

    If I had known this was coming I would have held off migrating entirely! Praise Lyicx! :saint: :love: :love: :lyicx: