Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • Quote

    ! I pray that those who lost their lives in the Copenhagen shooting rest in peace.
    I pray that those who lost their lives in the Highland Park shooting rest in peace.
    I pray that those who lost their lives in the Chattanooga shooting rest in peace.
    I pray that those who lost their lives in the Philadelphia shooting rest in peace.
    I pray that those who lost their lives in the Saginaw shooting rest in peace.
    I pray that those who lose their lives everyday in the senseless Russo-Ukraine War rest in peace, on both sides.

    No brother, sister, father, mother or loved one should have to mourn the murder of someone dear to them. As I get older, news sites begin to scare me more. I cannot afford to lose anyone I love, and the thought of it is enough to make me want to break down. I cannot imagine the pain, suffering and anguish that is being experienced every single day as a result of senseless killing. Every number on a news page is a person with friends and family who will miss them.

    I cannot do much, but I can pray for those who have lost their lives and pray that these murders stop. This thread is not the place to discuss why these shootings occur, or how to stop them; this thread is for expressing condolences and understanding the human side of mass killings.

    Rest in peace.
