Plex 0.5 (Beta 5) released

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • Hello,

    After a long duration of silence, Taah and I are happy to announce Beta 5 of Plex. Firstly, let me note that we are now using a more traditional versioning system. The version was actually "Beta 4" in the plugin, which is not ideal. Going forward, we'll actually use proper versioning. So "Beta 4" will be "0.4" and "Beta 5" will be "0.5". Snapshot releases will be "0.6-SNAPSHOT" for example. This is all important because all of this is on Nexus now. The URL for Nexus is The Plex repository can be found here. Note that there are two repo's: "plex-releases" and "plex-snapshots". They are both combined into the "plex" repo. You can use one or the either or just "plex" for both.

    With that out of the way, here's the changelog:

    • Add more Javadoc documentation (done by @"taah"#106)
    • Rewrite gamemode commands
    • Improve reliability of command handler
    • Add more tab handling support if you're using permissions
    • Rewrite the punishment system so banning is now a Punishment rather than a separate system (done by @"taah"#106)
    • Restrict worlds by permission or rank (done by @"taah"#106)
    • Gradle tasks to publish to Nexus (done by @"taah"#106)
    • Added support for adding text under the player count in the server list
    • Added a /tag command
    • Added developer, masterbuilder, and owner titles (done by @"taah"#106)
    • Finally fix ban messages (done by @"taah"#106)
    • And many more under the hood improvements

    This is a pretty massive update. Note that this is a BREAKING update. You will basically need to regenerate everything. Don't bother trying to convert anything. You should also delete the bans table in the database since it's no longer being used. You will also have to delete the "ranks" folder. All of these changes should make everything in the future more maintainable.

    You may also be wondering when we will officially release 1.0. I can assure you we are not there yet as there are still many more things that need to be implemented. However, Plex is gradually becoming more stable and complete each update.

    The documentation has also been updated at: