Region exploit with mobs

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  • Date and Time (please include the timezone): 6 PM pst
    Describe the bug or exploit: Using fireball or lightning rod can hurt or kill mobs in regions where you can't hurt them normally
    Plugin(s) impacted: TFM made the exploit possible and affected [name of region plugin]
    Expected behaviour (if known): kills mobs you are not allowed to kill
    Step to reproduce:
    step 1: get lightning rod or fireball
    step 2: get a mob in a region you don't own that does not allow you to kill it
    step 3: use the rod or fireball on the mob
    Which server did you find the bug (Freedom-01 or Freedom-02)? freedom-01
    Can the bug or exploit be reproduced on another server within the network? idk where a region is in freedom-02