Posts by Beta_Alpha

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.

    Current eta for restore is going to be the end of next weekend. Unfortunately I've only just got home and have commitments this week and the damage from what I've seen is substantial. Will update if this changes but so far I can't see me getting to look at this until the end of Friday and it'll be a day or two to fix the mess.

    Are there any backups we can get running in the meantime? At the very least for the Freedom gamemode. Skyblock may be more wanted by some people but if we play on a backup our progress we make will be reset when the fixed version comes online, so I'd be against making a backup of that running unless all regulars on it are fine with just playing for the sake of playing and not expect progress saves.

    Saying "fuck off" isn't bannable. Saying the n word, death threats or sexual harassment is. You don't "jokingly" sexually harass people with your best buddy, do you?

    All up for banning racial slurs and legitimate death threats/harassment. But if I said "I'm going to fuck you so hard" or "I'm going to murder you" to my friend and someone decided they wanted to use that to screw me over, they can (Refer to my statement about the bots using context to get you banned).

    And let's not forget people do say the n-word (non-hard R) just to refer to others casually. They'd suffer from this too. Like I said, the issue isn't I want to be free to harass people, it's that if I'm joking with someone I know it'll be taken out of context by third-parties.

    Just say it was just a prank

    Minecraft Sex Prank [GONE WRONG] [COPS CALLED] (They found my porn stash!)

    Bedrock and Java are entirely seperate and worked on by different teams.

    They're owned by the same parent company at the end of the day, and their moderation team is more than likely directly controlled by Microsoft since it abide's by it's ToS. People forget that the teams are only separated for development of the game. Everything else? Microsoft.

    Then, I guess, don't make satirical jokes that could be misconstrued as racist/something like that in public, like in real life?

    Except ratelimiting isn't really a system that can be cheesed without hundreds of proxies... Even then, just block VPN IPs with Cloudflare or whatever Mojang use for their sessionservers. This problem also exists with every moderation system ever.

    Yeah, well, my school also had a "no banter" rule because it's difficult to distinguish between banter and actual bullying. It's much better to do it in private messages.

    All three of these fall under overly censoring or restricting people from just doing things they normally do. I doubt I'd get pelted with rocks if someone overheard me tell my best buddy to fuck off as a joke, MANY people use VPNs for safety or region locks more than they do for malicious intent, and banter isn't harmful at all, especially if a server has no rule against swearing (people are all at least 13+ on it) so in that case you're doing a 50/50 between if your gonna ban two friends having a go at it or a genuine bully situation.

    Singleplayer won't get banned on Java edition, which is what I'm talking about in this post.

    No one knows what the future holds. People already said that there was no way they'd do something like this in Java Edition because "They're different versions! And it never had it before!" but to everyones shock and surprise Microsoft did it. Remember, they own the game. They call the shots. If they did it there, they aren't behind doing it here.

    How would a bot be able to differentiate between an ironic joke and unironic statement? Plus, if they make a large volume of false reports, or a large volume of reports within a certain timeframe, their accounts will almost certainly be punished.

    1. Bots can be coded to recognise keywords and phrases. That can tie into recognising strings of messages that meet certain keyword-based criteria (e.g. several messages using words like "hate","fuck","kill". example: "Omg" "I hate you" "so much" "fuck you" "I'm going to kill". context in-game: Guy was killed by his friend using something like end crystals or respawn anchors. I know it's a specific situation, but there's many more likely situations you can run into.

    2. Mass reporting will lead to 1 of two things;

    • They either implement automation like Google does with YouTube or just hire people who don't care much at all due to how taxing it'll become to manually read and reply to these spams compared to genuine reports, which leads to more easier report spamming to get people banned.
    • They are more likely to ban YOU, the person reporting, if they think the issue is exaggerated. Which in turn will just make no one ever use the report function (besides bots), thus making it a useless feature they wasted resources on (technically a win for us, but still stupidity regardless).

    I doubt I'm gonna be able to convince you on why this is a horrible idea for Java Edition, so I'm gonna end this off by just saying one last thing;

    Regardless if you agree with the moderation or not, why the hell couldn't they ONLY ban people from only chat, signs, books and the likes instead of banning entirely from a whole subsection of gameplay?

    I don't need an answer to this because we all know it's because they don't care (and probably want you to buy the game again if you get banned).

    Also mentioned this before but what about discord-linked chat? How the hell are Microsoft gonna deal with that?

    They won't, because those messages are not signed by a Minecraft account's private key.

    It does use their in-game chat. Something they've not taken responsibility to moderate. It's something to really consider.

    Read the above response.

    In this case I can only see them either ignoring this completely or banning any plugins that link external messaging platforms to Minecraft's in-game chat. Not soon, but eventually.

    Report bots won't do anything. The banning is manual as Mojang has stated.

    I was on about bots coded to mass-report users. Those are very likely to be used on the aforementioned out of context messages.

    The previous 5 messages are sent over to Mojang to ensure that this isn't the case, and even if that wasn't the case, spamming the n word isn't exactly "sarcasm"

    I doubt 5 messages are ever enough context when two friends are having banter, throwing in a few friendly insults, and some jackass comes in and reports them for "harassment and bullying" or some shit.

    I think Mojang stating that they would only ban people for the worst of the worst should counter-act this. And also, the context should be sent in a report. Additionally, if your friends are going to report you for a harmless joke, you have bad friends.

    The fact that your naïve enough to really believe that is kind of worrying. Dude, they banned the word "night" on bedrock edition because of the first three letters relating to a racial slur, and even if it wasn't intentional it's a huge show of how careless they are about the side-effects. Their "worst of the worst" standard is going to be scarily easy to reach. Also, I'm not on about friends, I'm on about public servers like this one. Like I mentioned, "don't say stupid shit" isn't an excuse, it basically saying "live every day in fear".

    Then these accounts "report botting" will be banned from making further reports by Mojang, if I had to guess. Plus, like, ratelimiting exists.

    It'll work for a while, but again, we're talking about a community full of hackers, modders and coders. They can and will find a way eventually.

    Fair, but I'm lead to believe it was mainly a train of thought that started with Mojang implementing due to LiveOverflow creating this video, in which he shows how to modify message sent by a client with a proxy. Which, in all fairness, isn't a very practical exploit. E.x. "Oh, we just implemented chat signatures, that would be a good thing to add!".

    They could've easily added a signature system without the reporting features along-side. And again, like I said, if they were really so rabid as to take moderation under their control, give us an official option to opt in or out.

    I think the whole controversy is in part due to Mojang's historically lax Minecraft-wide moderation on Java Edition. Whereas on Bedrock it's been the opposite of that for years.

    It's because they've proven with bedrock edition it's a horrible idea. The "night" example is one of many. And I know it's not an oversight and a sign of laziness or overdone censorship since they had enough of a brain to not ban "dick" since it counts as a name. Their blanket-banning words without thought, and many people report false bans on bedrock edition. Not to mention their censorship extends to private realms and single player and is locked to always be on unless edited externally. The worst part is a bedrock ban also locks you out of single player. So if you mess up online, you're basically banned from your own private worlds too.

    Imagine you get banned from public events for being a dickhead. That's warranted. But you come to your home to find out you've been evicted by the government (not your landlord or anything like that) for being rude at a unrelated location, are being forced to leave the country and can't ever come back. Sounds pretty unfair, right? Almost totalitarian?

    While I'm not sure this was entirely needed or even asked for, I can see why Mojang and servers without enough manpower to moderate chat messages would want to implement this. This definitely won't impact the gameplay for me.

    Mojang have also repeatedly shown they're not going to back down just because a bunch of teenagers with nothing else to do join a Discord server and start screaming "oh noes this is the end of minecraft!!!" and spreading misinformation

    I'm in a similar boat in that it doesn't effect me much at all. But to be perfectly honest, I still see why this is an issue.

    The main fear is messages out of context or sarcasm taken seriously. Many popular personalities have been banned from social medias or games this way, and server admins are scared of getting attacked and banned. Report bots might even become a thing. Spambots already are, so it's very likely (The TF2 bot crisis showed bots can be coded to co-ordinate a vote-kick and get you VAC-banned). And it can't just be fixed by "being careful about what you say" since that's just the stupid argument people use about similar places like twitter where everyone is on edge or cancelling everyone. We don't want a game to become a literal warzone like that place.

    As for why you see why Mojang wants this, the reasoning is heavily flawed in their favour. They don't give a damn about that since if they did, it would be an optional choice for server owners. The main reason they did it? Save their own asses from angry parents and laws that protect children online (Some of the dumbest things because IMO children shouldn't be allowed to use the internet unmonitored and unrestricted anyway).

    It's another one of those situations that doesn't effect me since I don't play multiplayer at all (excluding this server). Though for those worried I heard many servers already have plug-ins to disable the moderation tab. I know people want an actual official option to opt out, but at least the community is great enough to do it itself, even though it shouldn't have to. Not many game fanbases get to flaunt that they can literally fix the official dev's mistakes.

    Also mentioned this before but what about discord-linked chat? How the hell are Microsoft gonna deal with that? Because I'm sure we aren't the only server that uses it. It's serious considering it links an unrelated program to a Microsoft property, one with a very different ToS. Worst case scenario is that Mojang bans plugins that work that way from the whole game with a ToS update, but I want an official response.

    Are you sure that's a compromise you're willing to make? Typically from what I've seen you're only getting good performance when your laptop is actually plugged in. Otherwise it throttles itself which is not ideal. I've had great satisfaction with my M1 MacBook Air and the render times were pretty good for me tbh. Not sure I'd be able to recommend it for your work flow since I'm not sure exactly what you're doing.

    To be completely honest, I just needed a laptop that renders compositing in After Effects faster than my current 1650 laptop 😂 I'll most definitely learn 3D modelling and animation in my college on the first year but, I'm having a hard time deciding whether I should wait 2-3 more years before actually upgrading (A part of me wants to use my pavillion laptop to the fullest too, knowing that i've used it for only like 2 years).

    Who knows maybe rtx cards would be a lot more powerful in the future with cheaper prices

    Speaking of Macbook Airs, does it throttle too when unplugged? I've seen a lot of editors and modellers on youtube use it and it looks pretty solid.

    I currently work on a RTX 1650 for 3D models as well and it's much better than my M1 Macbook Pro. Keep in mind my RTX PC does also have 32GBs of Ram and an Intel Core i9, so yours might not be as powerful when taking these factors into account.

    Macs aren't the best at 3D, but they're certainly not useless. My M1 can run shaders (which are optimised for ARM architecture, of course) pretty well and I used to do my 3D models on it before I got my PC.

    Bottom line is get the device according to priorities. Will you do more 3D work? Invest in a PC with sufficient RAM (I recommend 16GB minimum so multitasking is easier), Core i7 at the very least and a graphics card which has decent power (Any mid to high range is the best). Will you work more on video editing and 2D animation? Macbooks are praised for that, and the M1 ones are beasts. Long battery lives, great experience in the interface and you get to brag you own an apple product if you're on of those people.

    One note: do remember both MacOS and Windows are vastly different and there will be an initial time needed to adjust if you've never used one or the other. And some programs have better optimisation on one over the other too.


      ClayCoconut Just a two cents, I’ve been seeing them try to interact with people and no one ever responds to them? Like 4 times now

    How are they going to be “a helpful member of TF” if no one responds back to them?

      lyicx i’ve seen this myself, twice today alone. im curious to hear myself because i dont think people can sit there and be like “right you’re only known for what you’re up to with lyicx” yet when she comes in to say hi to people on her own accord and make more of a name for herself she gets completely blanked. its a pisstake really

    There's a lot more Ren can do besides talking to people. Does suck if people flat out ignore her but with how this community is you have to be a near psycho or really well versed with inside jokes and the server as a whole to be considered "well-known" in the community. Or just be memeable. There're definitely staff members that aren't that social here but still do great jobs, so she doesn't have to try and talk to everyone she meets if she doesn't want to. Focus on just being active in-game and helping players who ask for help, posting on the forums (even replying to discussion with your own input is a good way to make impressions) and just being a casual member of the community is enough.

    Like I said, I feel as if it's more about activity than it is about people talking to her.


      Luke in general saying ‘help out more’ is unhelpful and ridiculous

    I mean it kinda makes sense even if said in general. I could probably reinstate back to my old admin position but I fall in the same category.

    With that being said, I have no clue who Ren actually is, had no idea she was even Lyicx's actual GF, although like I said I'm not the most active in the community. However, I tend to catch onto shit I miss out on when I drop off for weeks or months fairly fast, including new members of the community. The fact I haven't with Ren kinda says something to me about her actual impact in-game.

    Take Red's advice for now and if you're rejected work towards getting a bigger notice in the community for the month you'll wait to reapply. Activity also does matter as an admin, and not to mention if you're online at the times Lyicx is it's not as valuable as if you're online during your own times, especially when there's not many admins on. I don't have doubts about your trustworthiness since I highly doubt lyicx would recommend someone detrimental or is a big enough simp. Still a simp. Just not that big of a simp.

      Folfy_Blue I doubt he'd buy an account officially form Microsoft if he's pulling this kinda shit, unless he's actually that daft.

    We've dealt with much worse and even more single-minded people who been obsessed with TF like it's some life-long villain arc in a blockbuster movie (seriously don't these fuckers have jobs or some shit?). The self-moderation the server now has keeps it safe from this kinda things in most part and if it doesn't it's overall a lot harder to do major damage to it like you could back before 2018.

    So I can't be the only one to have noticed this but the shop doesn't have some items ready to buy (e.g. enderpearls) that would otherwise need you to spend money on super expensive spawners to get or tedious methods. Of course I don't expect every item in the game to be in the shop but considering how similar items are in it, it would just make sense to add them.

    Also noticed there's literally no way (obvious at least) to get a wither skeleton skull. No wither skeleton spawners, no item from shop, not even a way through slimefun. It basically locks out any soulbound items or spawning the wither.

    If there is a way and i'm not seeing it some help would be appreciated, but if there isn't, some temporary auctions for them in the auction house would be a huge help (and other similar items that are hard to get) until they get properly added into the shop.