Posts by IxGamerXL

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.

    I have been having some trouble with the lack of being able to use books that have been signed, mainly and only because that when you attempt to read it; the book gets turned into the cookie as well as sending a message "Books are not allowed".

    This annoyed me, and I thought there should be a safer variant of books (while the books could be used to book-ban players if in bulk), in which then I came up with a solution: Notes.

    Notes are similar to books, but have a limit of space to put text in (limit: 200 chars), and once right-clicked with gets read to you with /tellraw in order to show you it's contents. You can edit a note with '/editnote' when you are holding paper, but if the note gets placed into other paper: the note will copy itself to that paper, OR if it is another note: it becomes a 50/50 of which note will overwrite the other (keep in mind that the note must have the same name as the paper/note you are attempting to stack together with). Notes will also have an enchanted glow much like readable books.

    Also, whoever first edits a paper into a note, their username is set onto the new note as the editor of it, and if another player edits that note afterwards; the note will be given the attribute: "co-edited".

    The purpose of Notes is that they will surpass books in a safe manor, the notes being safe because of the limited amount of text you can place in the notes.

    @StevenNL2000#14201 If you define events as scenarios you host, sure, crates are usable for events, but when you see most of the other servers and how they use crates, you can see that crates are usually used as a way to see what item you can get, and use the item you get for your benefit. However, it fitting the freedom theme doesn't seem as so.

    Crates in TotalFreedom are for rewarding, randomization without bias, and most importantly; they remove the issue of replicating key names by scouting the key holder when key names are not going to be what allows the key to open the crate.

    However, considering @Shdwo#14117's post, a quick command to lock containers would be really good, and can be perfected if a /key command existed that would open a locked container with the same ID so that the name won't be the reason of unlocking the container, so it could run like this:

    • /lock (Locks the container you are holding with the id argument being what the container is looking for before it is opened)
    • /key (Adds a special tag to the item you are holding that is going to be scanned by whatever locked container you attempt to open)

    So even if this thread's suggestion is denied, at least adding a secure lock and key system would be a great substitute (except for the randomization being gone).

    There is one thing kits and shulkers, don't have, and that is the randomized capabilities of items (which I have explained in my suggestion). Crates do a great job at randomizing the outcome of which item you obtain, and the outcome is unbiased, whether or not the crate creator wants the outcome for the player using the crate. Reason why a randomized outcome would be added is that there would be a 1v1 match, and each player gets a random item to fight with, so that the fight is tilted with some RNG, OR; a player wins an event and the reward can range from something simple as a diamond sword with some enchantments, to something overpowered, like a heavily enchanted Pwnhammer from Terraria.

    Crate keys can also be granted to a player to allow them to use the crate the key belongs to as well, and the keys don't have to follow by a name for a locked container (which is what the lock NBT you provided), instead, the crate requires a key with the correct NBT, so the name of the key can't do spit, thus allowing you to do more stylish key naming, and removes the issue of having keys being useless when they are renamed to something else. Also, players can /invsee the key holder, and get the key name that way with a quick screencap, so what is the point of a macro command that adds the Lock NBT when the key's name is exposed with a command as simple as /invsee?

    So, after pondering for the last year of not even existing on this server, I thought of crates that players may create crates and crate keys of their own, that is modified only by the creator of the crates and keys.

    You can generate keys and crates with the command /crate generate <key | crate> , but you can only create 2 crates and keys max (more or less if /crate limit is used). Anyone can break the crate like normal, and if they right-click the crate without the key for the crate to view it's contents, and right-click with the key to unlock the crate, but if you want to modify the crate (if you are the owner of it), you hold shift, and right-click the crate to open up a modify menu, allowing you to rename the crate, change crate key requirement, and the crate's contents.

    However, crates and keys that have been created by you after 12 hours will be removed (or once you, the creator of the crates logout, whatever is more viable), and their storage of items will be removed as well to save space, and the keys will be removed from everyone's inventory and echests (OR they are given new lore: "this crate key no longer works").

    These crates will roll to grant the user a random item in the crate, and once you roll, the key you are using to unlock the crate with will be used up and gone from your inventory. Also; there is an option in crates that will only allow the first crate key to work, preventing any sort of distribution. There is a new rule for the crates: Do not sell crate keys for real life money, or with any currencies that can only be achieved through paying with real life money, as this results in gambling.

    Admins have the ability to view ALL crates currently existing in the server, and are capable of deleting any crates or keys as needed. Players may only create their own crates and keys if they have played for 14 days, and then they must be granted permission from an admin via the command: /crate requestperm, which requests a random admin in the server for crate permission.


    • /crate requestperm (requests permission to an admin chosen by random)
    • /crate generate <key | crate> (creates custom crate or key with provided name)
    • /crate help (displays a list of commands in the crate category)
    • /crate remove <key | crate> (removes crate/key from the server) (OPs can only remove their own, ADMINs can remove any crate or key in the server)
    • /crate clear (clears all crates and keys created by you)
    • /crate clearall (clears all crate and keys created by anyone) (ADMIN ONLY)
    • /crate listall (lists all crates keys made by everyone, allowing you to view their contents on click) (ADMIN ONLY)
    • /crate list (Lists all crates and keys made by you, allowing you to view their contents on click)
    • /crate edit (edits a crate (must be your own crate))
    • /crate toggle (disables/enables crate commands and crate functionality) (ADMIN ONLY)
    • /crate limit (changes the limit of crates and keys OPs can create) (ADMIN ONLY)
    • /crate perm (grants the player crate commands) (ADMIN ONLY)
    • /crate unperm (revokes the player's crate commands, and removes all crates and keys made by them) (ADMIN ONLY)
    • /crate pause <on | off> (pauses the use of commands that effect/create crates or keys for OPs) (ADMINS ONLY)

    This feature would be excelling for when you want to distribute a random item to someone else, or a item of your choice if you add a single item to the crate's content, which skips rolling.

    Alright, thats all I have to talk about this suggestion, so drop on in and see if this would be good or not.

    @Noah#2692 First of all:


    @Noah#2692 please god let this be sarcasm

    Unless my wording was random capitals everywhere OR I clarify that I was sarcastic, it's not sarcasm. Of course however, it is not bad to at least ask, so I'll give you that.


    its just edgy 4channers they arent going to your fucking house

    Obviously not. What do you think I am, some child who's never played 2B2T before? The communities formed in 2B2T are capable of trapping you in the worst places, and possibly even as far as to trap you with bedrock if they had the materials to do so (and getting it from a backdoor or abandoned stashes, etc.), but they are never going to take their revenge to your front door, and try to murder you, unless you live in russia or some other anarchy leaning country.


    its almost like fitmc just makes videos for cash and shit

    First of all, he keeps ads to a minimum, and to be honest, what channel has not placed ads or a link to a place where people can support them in their videos? MrBeast and Morgz are essentially for hard cash, and it can really stack high. MrBeast does videos that are unoriginal and/or stupid, and gains tons of money revenue alone, and damn, he can really get money from kids watching his videos. Morgz, just repeats whatever MrBeast does idea wise, and somehow still profits out of that, and without MrBeast, there will likely also be no Morgz either, delayed or not.

    I have also continued the way forward into the server, this time starting from 7 AM.

    As I am writing this, I am waiting in the queue with my hacked client. I have my fingers crossed on this one, cause of the situations I have seen on Youtube, and specifically coming from FitMC: have shown me what to expect, and at times if having a bed, someone could bed trap you, and if you enrage a community by some extent on accident, can lead to serious consequences, and if I would make a youtube video there, then an incursion could happen, but since I'm not popular it should be okay, for now. Currently as I wait in queue, I am preparing my client for the specific tasks necessary to stay alive, and escape spawn, like Step, which will make gaps less tedious, and PlayerESP to get away from any players capable of killing me. The queue is also long, ranging as high as 6 hours total, but I am really glad it is not 20 hours as stated back then.

    Wish me luck, cause you never know when I'm gonna need it.

    Kicked: Connection loss (for some reason)

    Screenshot List (from most late to most early):