Master Builder Policy (5/25/2021)

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.
  • This policy outlines a set of guidelines that all Master Builders must follow, and what may happen if a Master Builder breaks one of these rules. For more info on what a Master Builder actually is, see here

    Category 1 - Master Builders will be removed permanently (without the chance to reinstate) if they commit any of the following offenses:
    a. Griefing the Master Builder World.
    b. Permbanned for griefing .
    c. Repeated removals from Master Builder for lesser infractions.
    d. Framing, or attempting to frame, another Master Builder or Player for any offenses from this policy, or the conduct policy.
    e. Uploading malicious/dangerous schematic files to the httpd page. (Always check files before you upload them, esspecially if they are from someone else)

    Category 2 - Master Builders will be temporarily removed if they commit any of the following offenses, If a Master Builder is removed for one of these reasons, they can reinstate after 1 month:
    a. Griefing-related offenses that don't result in permban.
    b. Creating builds which could be seen as offensive to others (e.g. swasticas, builds encouraging racisicm, homophobia, etc.)
    c. Being permbanned for a non-griefing related reason. This rule can also be applied if an MB is found to have broken any rule in Category 2 of the conduct policy. (In this case, if a Master Builder wishes to reinstate they must wait 1 month after their ban is over, or after their perm ban appeal is approved)


    • All accusations against Master Builders will be investigated by the ECD.
    • If it is discovered that a Master Builder was removed for a rule violation they did not commit, the removal will be reversed.
    • The infractions listed here only outline what is guaranteed to warrant the removal of a Master Builder, and the ECD is free to remove Master Builders as they see fit (for example, if a Master Builder is not actively contributing to team projects, is inactive, isn't able to work well with the team, etc.).
    • Master Builders who are removed permanently can only reinstate if they are pardoned by the acting ECD, who will clarify that they have pardoned the removed MB on their reinstatement thread.