Posts by paiige1_

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.

    @chargenation1158#16720 I don't log my conversations or write down the dates of when I have respectful discussions with other people. This is because I don't expect someone to take something like this out of context because my actual opinions of Folfy_Blue are not resemblant of the screenshots and thus I see no need to archive conversations as a rebuttal for being called out for 'bullying'.

    I do not recall ever being asked to stop this behaviour towards Folfy_Blue as they have also attacked me with no reasoning in the past which brought me to believe that we did not know eachother on a purely hate-hate basis but rather that our treatment of eachother was a joke. This leads me to believe that no harm has been done on both sides, however, I am happy to speak to Folfy and personally apologise if Folfy feels that this was genuinely harmful. Although, I will not jump to this response as my understanding of this thread so far is not a response of truly upsetting behaviour but a cancellation to try to get rid of a minor nuisance.

    I think this report is petty and unnecessary and could have been resolved with a one-on-one discussion rather than a call-out thread.

    Vouch. I am a witness and I feel absolutely fucking sick after talking to this guy. He is a sick fuck and shouldn't be on TotalFreedom. Even if this guy is a troll, he should still be permanently banned because it is still in violation of Section 1 rules. This kind of shit goes beyond what people who did way less to get permanently banned for.

    Vouch. I am a witness to this behavior and I have warned him more than once in the past that if he does not fix his act I would pursue an IB for him, and he has made no attempt to improve. He has also been clear in the past that he wants to break rules and did so in a speed run of being banned.

    a fact that little people know about ducks, bread is actually quite harmful
    it fills them up without giving them any nutrients. this causes them to not seek out food till they feel hungry and over time starves the duck of nutrients if it is in a park where the majority of people feed them bread rather than healthy alternatives such as peas

    As much as this is an ironic thread, I somewhat agree. Undertale wasn't ruined by "cringe roleplay furries" but cringe culture in general. I see more people hate on the aforementioned "cringe roleplay furries" than I ever saw actual cringe roleplay furries.
    Undertale was a great game with a great soundtrack and story. The characters were written amazingly and you could get emotionally invested in them so easily. Great game, but I wouldn't go as far to say it's the best.

    You were told something. I had warned you many times to stop breaking rules and you continued to do so. When you threatened to grief the Infinity base I was not willing to tolerate any further offences. Additionally, you have caused a fair amount of trouble in the past and seem to show no regard for the rules of this server. For example, not even a week ago you attempted to break as many rules as possible to get banned; "speedrunning", if you will.

    I will try to remove your ban because it has been over 24 hours and therefore you should be unbanned. However, if you continue causing problems I will not hesitate to support a permanent ban for your username.

    @Miwojedk#11528 i was on like a 5 month waiting list so that I could even get assessed for gender dysphoria to start something as harmless as hormone blockers (not even cross-sex hormones, it was just to stop my body from producing more testosterone). if the "majority" of the psychiatric community agreed that you don't need dysphoria to be trans and transition it wouldn't be such a rigorous process to transition. one statement from the APA doesn't represent the entirety of the medical, endocrinological and psychiatric community.

    being trans fucking sucks. there is literally no reason why anyone would willingly choose to be trans if they don't have dysphoria and are comfortable with their birth gender. don't even get me started on how frustrating and embarrassing it is to be lumped in with whatever the fuck this is

    when you let people who don't even have dysphoria transition, it takes up the valuable resources and time of medical professionals that could be spent saving the life of a suicidal person who actually needs it and isn't transitioning to be quirky and trendy

    i don't even know why you're speaking on this matter. If I remember correctly, you're not even trans. (correct me if I'm wrong, I think I remember you stating you're not trans in the past) when you haven't nearly died to your own hands because of dysphoria i don't think you have the right to speak on matters like this.