Posts by bycummies

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.

    TheRed is not a Pedophile, nor is he defending them, I know him too well for him to be that. I am not a pedophile either, in fact, even I am still a minor.

    The people that messaged TotalFreedom staff are from a chat roulette website, it was solely their responsibility for what they messaged Staff with, it was not me, my friends or TheRed himself - in fact, those messages could have come from anyone, not just people from said site, but for example from real life, where even I got sexually hit on by a guy way above my age for my "big ass". I do not endorse what those people may have sent your Staff, we just wanted to get a few weird people to add Staff members in mass, just to see a bit more drama unfold - because that's what makes TotalFreedom alive - If you do not want strangers to add you or message you I seriously recommend you to stop being crybaby bitches and instead to turn off your friend requests and direct messages. I also have not told TheRed a lot about how the attack has worked, so he couldn't have known better how to tell it to you. I even told him multiple times that he should stay out of this and forward everything to me, as I did not want him to get in trouble, but he insisted in continuing to troll you a little bit. Nevertheless, TheRed was not part of any sort of pedophilic activity, neither was he part of the DDoSing that the forums experienced, if you could even call it a DDoS given how simple it was.

    This just goes to show how much of a dumpsterfire TotalFreedom is, and how it is only alive thanks to drama and taking things too much out of context. To be fair, it's completely self explanatory to why TotalFreedom has died down so much, management is shit and the sole thing that keeps the server alive is just plain and simply: drama.
    The sole reason we started to target TotalFreedom was because of Ryan's irresponsibility as the defacto Owner of TotalFreedom, and because we wanted to do a bit of trolling and stir up some drama.

    Also, the Forum is setup in such a way that anyone can grab your IP via a foreign image, we already tried that a few months back. Thank TotalFreedom System Admins for their shitty administration. Even I got my webserver DDoSed once and I was able to mitigate that attack within an hour by adding a single line of code to my application, while for TotalFreedom's forums 10 requests per second were enough to severely slow it down, plus, it took ages for you to "mitigate" the attack, I hope you learnt to use cloudflare and ip-/nftables properly now.