Posts by FromTimeToTime

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.

    you've made this post to brag, but it doesn't make you look good. if you haven't bought this yet, i'll try to save you from the pain that will come 3-6 months from now. if you have already bought it, there is no easy way to say this, you have made many expensive mistakes.


    @'Anes' 64 STACK gb of ram

    there are perfectly legitimate reasons to need 64 gb of ram, but you strike me as more of a gamer than a data scientist or professional after effects user. if i'm right, you'll probably never make use of more than 16gb. please don't waste your money.


    @'Anes' intel i7

    the numbers that come after are just as important as the beginning. this reads like only getting halfway through a sentence.


    @'Anes' blue gaming Speakers

    i thought you meant Blue brand until i realized they only make mics, headphones, and accessories for those things. i would be suspicious of any speakers marketed as "gaming speakers". the audio equipment industry is classy and pricey. i suspect you probably don't have your own space, so i would recommend investing in a good professional pair of headphones. it will be a better experience and it's only fair to those you live with.


    @'Anes' Capsys keyboard

    are you algerian, or does it come in a combo deal with a prebuilt pc? this is an algerian keyboard costing the equivalent of 5 pounds or 7 usd. this brand isn't available on any english-speaking storefront.


    !even if the listing had "gaming keyboard" in the title, the keyboard should be considered temporary, or if possible entirely avoided, because it will break in a few months, and it will be very uncomfortable and loud until then. for your replacement look for one with cherry or gateron switches or buy a membrane keyboard instead. if you specifically want a gaming keyboard, avoid logitech g.

    @'Anes' 1TB of storage

    1TB SSD storage is the minimum i could ever recommend someone in good conscience for a new desktop build. maybe 500 if it's for a boomer facebook user. times are changing. october is also a bad time of year to buy storage. waiting just a month or two from now would save you 70 pounds/100 bucks.

    also op will definitely skip to here instead of reading all of this which is the mindset that gets you in this situation to begin with.

    also this is a bypasser


    most of the templates don’t need to be pinned (the info category exists for a reason) and some posts should be merged. the pin system doesn’t work very well on flarum where we read by latest responses. so, we should be more conservative about pins.

    it’s very common for people to clear their browser data, whether by browser extensions (cookie autodelete, history cleaner) or manually, especially on mobile. on desktop, i use cookie autodelete to evade tracking cookies, and on iOS i use private browsing for most things because it doesn’t have that extension yet. on the other hand, i have found the wall of pins to be a nice way to tell whether or not i’m logged in on mobile.

    also, those who browse the forum without an account, or those who just don’t care for every pin, would appreciate not needing to click to load more posts just to reach the first actual discussion.

    worst of all this will devalue the event server. this idea sounds like long-form events without the live hosting, which is the event server’s most redeeming quality. players won’t commit to the game modes once the rotation is no longer fresh and new. that’s why “this world does not regularly reset” is considered a selling point for f-01.

      StevenNL2000 then i wish they’d do those things first, and only warn, threaten, or punish if there is evidence a player’s use of commands isn’t legitimate. the player should only be confronted as a last resort.

    i always expect that there’s always someone watching, that’s not my issue here. the crux of my complaint is that players are made to feel like they’ve done something wrong when they haven’t.

    neutral because i don't care if the actual policy changes, but i'd appreciate more leniency about commands.

    because i'm not known for building, whenever i do more than a few rotations and replacements, it bothers an admin and i regularly get checked up on. if you're worried someone's gonna crash the server, add the necessary patches.

    many admins are obsessed with reading every message, which discourages people who want to get better at building, because they'll make mistakes and have to redo commands a lot. imagine if you had more players, especially builders. you'd never be able to keep up with all the scary high-level commands flying past the screen.

    you'll probably read people's complaints against you with pride. you celebrated the closure announcement, and you never miss a chance to broadcast your contempt against this community, so why volunteer to administrate it?

    at least since the 28th, you've lasted more than 5 mins after logging in to say something racist, sexist, or to shame someone for being some way. the other brits at least find you amusing though, so you have that going for you.

    i object.

    the current config, and development for over a year, have been done with the assumption that we will remain online-mode. we’ve removed or disabled many of the safeguards that made offline-mode doable, and introduced features that would break in unexpected ways if we went offline-mode. TFM still has some stuff designed for offline-mode. heck it even still has the ptero integration.

    player data is mostly UUID-based now, including plot ownership and essentials inventories. players would have to start fresh in a lot of ways.

    this is a fun idea especially if it only lasts a week or two, but there is a very low chance the implementation would go smoothly.

    originally neutral but i’m switching to an objection