Posts by alophia

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      SuperRyn hello! Christian with a uterus here. I'm not gonna lie, you're pissing me off by cherry picking Bible verses. In order to properly extract the meaning from ANYTHING in the Bible, you need to know the proper context and read the surrounding verses.

    I'll cover your quote of Jeremiah 1:5 first. The chapter covers God talking to a 13 year old Jeremiah who was appointed as a prophet and was feeling unsure about his abilities. God tells Jeremiah that he pre-determined his abilities and purpose before this point. The writer uses birth to describe how God transcends time, and is therefore able to know what happens before Jeremiah was born. This verse is about Jeremiah understanding that his purpose is greater than himself, and he shouldn't let temporal things like age or hard skills to deter him from pursuing that.

    There isn't any message that is explicit to birth, abortion, or even the determination of life. Here's a link to BibleHub, which is a website that collects multiple versions of the same verse and compares them to each other and with the original language as well. There's a helpful breakdown of the Hebrew if you scroll down a bit.

    Sorry to break it to you, but using Jeremiah 1:5 to justify the parameters of life without adding the appropriate context would be misquoting the Bible.

    Next, to your point about abortions being morally wrong, I'll bring up a few arguments that church friends and I have talked about.

    A friend stated that its important to fight with the pro-choice movement regardless her moral stance on abortion because of how Jesus loved the marginalized. The assuming the majority of people receiving abortions are women and out LGBT people who don't present as female, we can automatically assume they are marginalized at some level (yknow, because of how much of a hellhole the US is).

    Without bringing up any specific passages, though I could if needed, Jesus loved and fought for those who society hated. This included prostitutes, taxpayers, lepers, you name it. He sought them out first because society put them last. He preached to them and loved them first. Why should we not fight with those who are already living?

    A pastor I spoke with argued that its possible to fight for both the mother and the child. While I do agree that it's possible, it's simply not a great plan given the state of the US. America doesn't offer free healthcare or childcare, no mandatory paid maternal and paternal leave in most states, and the foster care system is shit. Kids go missing every day, teenagers who age out of the system aren't equipped to function as an adult. Hell, I was barely able to function as an adult and I wasn't in the system. By making abortions illegal we are contributing to the demise of those systems.

    Along with those systems, a solution to abortions would be promoting better sex ed and family planning, which the majority of Christians strongly oppose. So, I would love to hear, how are Christians supporting and loving the marginalized by trying to strip the means of eradicating abortion away from society? Enlighten me.

    Another thing my pastor argued is that abortion has been legal since the 70s, so the reconciliation should have happened by now if it was going to happen. First, since the legalization of abortion, I've barely seen any Christian circles try to truly reconcile with the "other side" by understanding them. All I've seen are people with signs and vans covered in repulsive images of aborted fetuses, and barely any advocacy for a better healthcare and childcare system.

    In conclusion, Christians have not done their part to reconcile with other communities, and its dumb because that's literally our job. We're called to share the good news of Christ, and we can see from Jesus himself that the proper method is to connect with the people genuinely rather than shoving Bible verses taken out of context down their throats.

    If there's anything I can clear up, let me know