Posts by FirearmsAndFlowers

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.

    Don't think that I, supperock2020, have already forgotten about this place and my burning will to smash it into a million little bits and bobs. My closet is stuffed with at least 12,000 unused motherboards that will allow me to circumvent the harsh and unforgiving UUID bans that keep your little shitbucket warm and cozy and safe from nincompoops like my own. That's not even taking into account the other 56,000 that I hide under my floorboards! You really think you can stop me? Try to even DISCOVER me when I'm using windscribe over tunnelbear over avira over cybergost over expressVPN over surfshark and when my name has been changed so many times your computer will EXPLODE when you look my name up on nameMC. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWOIERGOIWNREIVOREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA(that's my new battle cry, like it?)

    Not only that, but I have a massive army of like-minded evil geniuses from mid-web paper mario forums, esotalk, and kaboom! Me and the basement dweller generals are currently all plotting together in the war room as we speak, plotting your destruction of course. Just think, hours and hours of spam in every corner of the forum and discord, asses w/edited all over spawn (black ones too for the thug shaking), hell, we might even go out on the streets (avoiding any grass of course) and protest at the Atlas Media Group headquarters (and that's just if your lucky). So maybe, think twice before defying a person who literally will go to any measure to destroy a minecraft server without any actual reason whatsoever. I AM A SYMBOL OF POWER. FEAR ME, BUTTMUNCHERS!

    Puny creatures of TotalFreedom, I am the one and only legendary rogue, supperock2020. In the past I fought furiously for the purpose of lifting my bans (it all started with smartnt, and now it's humorous to see that hypocrite is getting into trouble himself), but now, even though I have long been aquitted of those offenses, my claws still seek blood. Why, you ask? After my previous conflicts, I eventually grew a taste for chaos and now it is a permanent part of my being, an obsession if you will, to destroy totalfreedom. I have fought for so long that no other way can satisfy me anymore. All of my pleas for mercy are insincere, my endgame is to wreck totalfreedom beyond the point of return.

    All of your victories have been temporary. I have gone on this long, so you mind as well give up, especially my apparent rival phr. It may take years, but I will build an army and construct a plan to make totalfreedom unplayable FOREVER!

    1. Your discord tag.
      John Shartan#3036

    2. If known, who banned you? (this can be checked)

    3. If known, do you know what time you were approximately banned?
      Dunno either.

    4. Why do you think you were banned? (this can also be checked)

      Was shitposting on the discord server (posting memes about eating Andy Sixx's shit logs and some other stuff. Yea I know, it's a 4chan thing.)

    5. Explain why you think you should be unbanned and promise to never do whatever you did again. If your reason remains unknown, you may skip this question.

      Because I like playing on the server and I want to be more integrated with the community by joining the discord. Needless to say, I promise never to fill the general with weird images again.
    1. Minecraft name:


    1. Discord username and discriminator (username#discriminator) (if any):

    John Shartan#3036

    1. Approximate date of indefinite ban:

    A few months ago this year, maybe March.

    1. Reason for indefinite ban. Please do not lie and try to be sincere and apologize as applicable:

    As you might know back in 2019, I got perm banned for bypassing bans once. Then I started trolling for revenge.
    For whatever reason, I thought that by trolling the server I would somehow regain its trust. Luckily that's ancient history
    and I've been forgiven ever since. Some months ago I wanted to re-enact those times in an ironic way, so I started doing little trollings, then I griefed some
    city thing and spammed some stuff in chat about destroying totalfreedom or something, basically imitating some silly tantrum
    I would've had back then. But I didn't mean anything by it. (Sorry to whoever built that city by the way, in retrospect I shouldn't have destroyed it just for a stupid prank). So that's all. I apologize for causing a ruckus, even if it was ironic. From now on, I will think before I do something.

    1. Do you agree to follow our community guidelines ( and all the conditions stated above?