Posts by Kadalyst

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.

    Honestly, yes.

    When you first joined you seemed alright, but since then you have started or been at the center of drama after drama, and whined incessantly when you got punished.

    Multiple chances have been given, multiple people have tried to help, and it got old many iterations ago.

    While I think there's some discuss-able points in your suggestion, the majority of it balances on the idea that TF can claim to be the original anarchy server. While I don't deny that it's technically true, I disagree with your opinion that the playerbase of servers like 2B2T could be encouraged to join by that point. TF hasn't been close to anarchy for quite some time, and it's debatable how long it's had full on anarchy in the past, whereas 2B2T has always been anarchy, throughout it's history. Weird analogy incoming, but it's like tomatoes. Yes, they're a fruit, but most people group them with vegetables. 2B2T is an apple, TF is a tomato. Technically part of the same group, but... most people don't play them that way.

    Vouch, current Hub is very out of place.

    I think a cool thing to do would be taking bits and pieces of the current Hub, rescaling as needed, and incorporating them into the new one.

    For example, the large water thing with the TF logo above it; A somewhat smaller version of this would be cool to keep in the new Hub, fancy particles and moving blocks included.

    Same goes for some of the POIs in the terrain around Hub. Personally I see the terrain as kinda wasteful, but some of the things placed out there are neat, like the cherry-blossom tree with the swing, or that Hotel thing (which has some historical importance, yes?). New Hub could incorporate them around the main building/area, as well as things like the Credits and Parkour.

    Speaking of credits and parkour, in current Hub those are both rather disconnected from everything, which probably shouldn't happen in the new Hub-- Credits can have a spot just outside the main area, and Parkour could be tastefully woven into the entire thing.

    "We are removing public access to this information to better protect your privacy from bad actors and evil doers."

    Can anyone explain what the fuck anyone could do with username history that's that bad, other than maybe cancel culture stuff?
    That and the wording clearly states "for your privacy", so I don't think this is about "bad actors and evil doers" attacking Mojang by abusing the API.

    EDIT: And anyway, usernames were removable if they had anything personally identifying in them:
    "If your current or past usernames have any personally identifiable information in them, you can contact Minecraft Support and have it removed from your history. "

    Instead of this, why dont we put the ip in a seperate, admin-restricted thread, and the main ban request in public channels? it doesnt require that much effort to make 2 threads, and the extra effort and thread would be well worth it to make ban requests. (you could also link the thread in the ibr itself for less effort going between them)

    vouch though, they have no reason for being private other than we dont want the crybabies to ddos us

    To expand on this, wouldn't it be even easier to fill out the IBR in full, IP included, post that in the admin-only section, then simply copy-paste it into the public IBR list, minus the IP?

    This way everyone can see the reasons/evidence, but the IP and any other admin-only things can be done in the admin-only thread. The Public IBR listing could even be locked, and just serve as public record. Could also retroactively make IBRs public this way, though I don't think that's needed.

    Because out of those thousands out there, I don't think there's another that does Creative/FreeBuild anywhere near as good as TF. So many servers label themselves such, but just have plots, and/or lock flat worlds behind ranks, paywalls or applications. Then the couple that DO have a freebuild flat world have tons of rules and restrictions, and while they're understandable, it's still annoying.

    Add to that the great community TF has, and that's why I'm here.

    As for other gamemodes, Prison is braindead, Minigames are mostly PvP which I suck at, ditto for Factions, and not only are SMPs a dime a dozen, but they get boring pretty quick. Which pretty much leaves Creative, which circles back to finding a decent Creative server, which leaves TF the last one standing.

    I've been thinking about this on and off for a couple days, ever since that dude joined the server and was bitching on and on about how much "potential" the server had to "grow big" and "attract new players".

    I completely agree with characterslimits, we should focus on improving retention not growth.

    I have had one idea, which I'll make a full thread for later, but I'll give a summary now:

    Weekly or Monthly Building Contests. At regular intervals (Weekly, Every other Week, Monthly, whatever) a contest/competition will be held, to see who can build the best or coolest thing within the given category. The first one could be Medieval, next one could be Sci-Fi, next could be, I don't know... Retro: Pre 1.8 Blocks Only or something. No clue what the prize would be, but I think this would be a good start to increasing activity and retention.