Posts by darwin

Please Note: The TotalFreedom Forum has now been put into a read-only mode. Total Freedom has now closed down and will not be returning in any way, shape or form. It has been a pleasure to lead this community and I wish you all the best for your futures.

    i'm terrible at this.


    (not what the actual theme looks like, but for some reason vivaldi refused to screenshot properly)

    Date and Time (please include the timezone):

    July 26, 1:02 PM UTC

    Describe the bug or exploit:

    if you try to look at certain images, this happens:


    if you try to check the image's source, this happens:

    Plugin(s) impacted:

    not relevant

    Expected behaviour (if known):
    the image shown above is supposed to show lyicx logging onto TotalFreedom, saying "shit wrong server", and instantly logging off

    Step to reproduce:

    1. go to RE: Post admin mistakes
    2. profit(?)

    Server where the bug occurred:

    ...does WoltLab count as a server?

    Can the bug or exploit be reproduced on another server within the network?


    note: is this a problem on my end? idk

    object, Itemizer Just Works™ and there's no reason to fix something that isn't broken

    you sure? i just checked and im pretty sure everything is working

    (can you send a screenshot, and clarify where it “doesnt work correctly anymore”?)

    do level 100 for an potion effect

    you mean something like (using absorption as an example here because it's the first thing that itemizerx suggests) /ii potion add ABSORPTION 100 122880?

    works fine

    object, Itemizer Just Works™ and there's no reason to fix something that isn't broken

    Is it? What exactly is currently broken?

    currently using potions only level 1 can be added normaly that should be a lot higher so no one can really create cool potions

    you sure? i just checked and im pretty sure everything is working

    (can you send a screenshot, and clarify where it “doesnt work correctly anymore”?)